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No-Ganache7168 t1_iyp1ysl wrote

They could have built a 100-unit apartment complex with all the money they spend on temporary housing.

An article stated that about 50 percent of the homeless have mental illness or drug addictions. Why not create some type of drug rehab dorm where those on drugs could get help while being housed. Bring back inpatient mental health facilities but make them humane and holistic. If the test of the homeless are working poor create permanent income-based apartments.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iyqouk4 wrote

Public housing like what you are proposing has a long history of failing in the US. It is such a great idea on paper but when actual people get involved it falls apart. A person is reasonable, people are unpredictable.


headgasketidiot t1_iyr7zxc wrote

We should learn from our mistakes and look to other countries' successes. There are good examples of government owned housing being very desirable. More than 40% of French renters live in publicly owned housing, and French cities and towns are pretty universally beloved by residents and tourists alike.

edit: The writer of that Atlantic "article" is associated with several conservative think tanks. He's the VP for research at the Manhattan Institute. They're for privatization of public services and have published many books about supply side economics. They're also for increased incarceration and "broken windows" theory, and they were against the ACA and oppose basically any health reform. This is not an article; it's an op-ed from a hack.


lantonas t1_iyt0vzo wrote

If you need an example of why this wouldn't work, see the hotel housing.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iyt2o7r wrote

This was exactly my point. The same people who are extra vocal about the state building public housing don’t realize that the hotel housing program is basically already exactly this. This is what happens when you congregate this population.


Me_Myself_And_IAM t1_iz58rc8 wrote

There is something people don’t know about some homeless individuals. They actually work regular day jobs. Many just do not have the resources, family or opportunity to find proper housing.

Please let that sink in.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_izbrk70 wrote

Yeah that's not accurate. A small percentage certainly do, but they tend not to stay homeless long. Your long term homeless are crazy or addicted or both. Usually both.