Submitted by mandy_peeps t3_yyo9qq in vermont

My Reddit-less friend’s white Chevy Silverado was stolen from his drive way in winooski two nights ago!!! The truck has a big Yakima rack system over the truck bed with SUP pads on the cross bars, tinted windows, chunky off road tires. License plate 425A621 Please contact myself (Amanda) via DM with any leads and I will put you in touch with Isaiah. I also am terrible at Reddit and couldn’t figure out how to add a pic so if you would like one please DM. Thank you so much🙏🏽



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Scary-Respect8817 t1_iwvj2um wrote

That sucks. will keep an eye open for it.

were the keys in it?


Scary-Respect8817 t1_iwvok1n wrote

Stealing a truck with keys in it is a lot easier than when not.

I am not justifying anything about the thief. I am not victim shaming either, mistakes happen and they should not result in a stolen truck.

The reason I ask is because people may want to know if they need to be concerned about their vehicles being stolen even if keys are not in it.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_iwvtjme wrote

Im baffled by the downvotes... This sub has become insane...How dare someone in Vermont be comfortable enough to leave their belongings unlocked, or leave keys around... We have lowered our standards just by asking questions like that. Sad really.


doctorchivago t1_iwvyx9w wrote

This was the wildest thing I've seen since moving to Vermont, I know sooo many people here who leave their front doors open, or their cars unlocked with the fucking keys in the center console. Like, I don't care how safe this state is on paper, no way I'm leaving my shit unlocked sorry.


Quiet_Satisfaction64 t1_iww2asx wrote

The world does not conform to your opinion on how things should be. I’ve lived in VT my whole life, I’m still baffled people leave their cars and doors to their house unlocked. Even on 12 acres of private land I always locked up my stuff. Privacy for you is privacy for thieves as well when you’re not around.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_iwwgwyt wrote

The delusion is asking if the owner left their keys in the vehicle like that matters. No talk about why people are jacking cars in the "safest state in the country"... I think your confusing my delusion with your inability to take your blinders off and see a different view.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_iwwrsr7 wrote

Your joking right? Outside of a few areas like Burlington, Rutland,Brattleboro, VT is overall an extremely safe place. My issue is that we seem to be far more fixated on the problem and not why the problems are far worse than ever before. If that gets me downvotes, I think we're all screwed.


mr_raymond_chen t1_iwx0tnf wrote

It definitely matters and people have the right to ask if the keys were in the car. If the keys were there it’s likely a crime of opportunity. If there were no keys present then it’s an actual car thief that wanted that vehicle specifically.


Quiet_Satisfaction64 t1_iwx1clb wrote

I guess that depends on what you’ve experienced right? Yes, it can be safe in VT but that doesnt mean this stuff hasn’t been happening since, well, ever. 15 years ago, living in a decently populated, “safe” area and we had a string of car “break-ins” (only unlocked cars had stuff stolen) and someone was shooting our pet cats. Bad shit happens every where. Its everyones responsibility to take steps to prevent it if possible.

Yes, we are all aware that our country is suffering, that is part of the rise in crime. We are seeing gentrification happen right in front of our eyes with this surge of new people after covid hit. Then you add on our country’s consistent back pedaling on proactive/beneficial legislation.

I think you’re being down voted because youre being offended by people asking questions about the situation. Get off your moral high horse.

Edit: Spelling correction


DaddyBobMN t1_iwx2tbs wrote

No joke. Think outside the American. The level of crime we consider low here would be considered high in places like Western Europe. Compared to places like Japan or Korea our little Vermont is a veritable wild wild west.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_iwx7doo wrote

I see what your trying to say but calling VT a literal wild west is just comical. A few of our cities have major issues. If we could just focus on why instead of how the OP left his car we could make some progress. Instead just downvote common sense.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_iwx86hv wrote

You can share your opinions on why you think these issues are happening (I appreciate it) but don't make assumptions about me. I'm not riding a moral high horse nor am I offended, that's your assumption.

The number of posts about stolen property is becoming alarming to me. The laughable theme in the comments seems to be curiosity about the circumstances of how something was stolen. My point is that it doesn't really matter. We'd be better served to have meaningful discussions about common sense solutions to fix the root causes of why things are being stolen.


miss_antlers t1_iwyavrh wrote

I don’t know why you got downvoted, you’re right. I’ve lived here all my life and I still lock up my shit. It does not justify thieving at all, I’ve had my shit stolen by roommates letting untrustworthy friends of theirs hang out at my apartment before and no matter the circumstances, it’s never okay. But…yeah, I’m still gonna be on the cautious side and always lock up.


mandy_peeps OP t1_ix0ua80 wrote

Found, really wrecked, full of nasty paraphernalia :( but found none the less. Thank you guys for your attention to this!