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Cranky_Yankee t1_ixlvp96 wrote

Buddy, I hate to tell you this but, at least in New Hampshire, the statewide average is $7.27 / gallon. In other words, you’re getting a good deal. Try googling “kerosene prices near me” to see what the average price is in your area. Also try googling “Vermont fuel assistance 2022” ; they may help depending on your family size and your income. Good luck.


MrHoonigan802 t1_ixlw34t wrote

It's only $7 a gallon IF you buy more than 125 gallons otherwise it's closer to your mentioned price. The minimum is 100 gallons which is all I can possibly afford


Loudergood t1_ixntgou wrote

Next summer look into prebuys and locking in your price. I can't say how that works out for your type of fuel but I'm saving multiple dollars a gallon on propane right now.


BigEnd3 t1_ixm22sr wrote

The HVAC guys must be making a killing putting in propane furnaces.


trueg50 t1_ixmd49j wrote

Propane isn't much better. Price didn't go up as dramatically as other fuels, by our pricing is still $3 a gallon and will likely go up a bit through the winter.

I'm very glad we heat as much as possible with wood.


montpelier28 t1_ixx8k83 wrote

And propane is sales taxed, believe it or not. Makes me so angry even tho I no longer use it. And if you only use it to cook it's even more per gallon.