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czo79 t1_iyb2tp5 wrote

Turn the whole fucking thing off. Then maybe Vermonters would be able to afford to stay in VT. Funny as soon as every rich asshole in NY decides they can work from home but finds out they can't in VT we finally get around to upgrading our shitty internet. My consolidated dsl sucks but I'd gladly give up a couple megs a second and have my streaming video have to buffer occasionally if it means zoom reliably won't work out here.


WhyAmIOld t1_iybysaa wrote

Turns out when "rich" people move somewhere, there's an actual budget to improve things, shocking huh?


popquizmf t1_iycxray wrote

You know, I don't think you seem to understand that the housing crisis is not a Vermont thing, nor is it the worst in Vermont. Also, and this may be hard to understand, but people who move here, are Vermonters. You can call us whatever nonsense name you feel you need to, but you are no different than the people complaining the last time Vermont had an influx of people.

At least the people moving here want to be here, which is more than I can say for some "Vermonters".