Submitted by vtbb t3_yv0zrb in vermont

Good morning!

I’ve been trying to find a place to buy Venison for some family visiting over the holidays. I’m at a stage in my life where going hunting just isn’t practical. I’ve tried browsing in some shops local to me in St. A, and have spent some time browsing on Google(there’s a lot of information there to parse) and asking around. I’d like to crowd source some favorites from you folks on this subreddit - do you have any favorites? Recommendations?

Thanks so much for helping me out!

Also: one of google’s recommendations was Shaws - is that legit?



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Amyarchy t1_iwbzsrq wrote

Sweet Clover Market in Essex has a freezer with "exotic" meats - I've purchased elk & venison there in the past. You might want to give them a call first as it's kind of hit or miss.


Coachtzu t1_iwc5k4z wrote

Lol at the Shaw's comment. Even if they carried it, doubtful, it would probably taste like trash.

Onion river coop on Flynn Ave in Burlington has some, but it's painfully overpriced.


Vtguy802812 t1_iwc8hzj wrote

Healthy Living in South Burlington used to carry it - not sure if they still do.


greenmtnfiddler t1_iwcdwrc wrote

Put up a flyer at the firehouse/town hall/town garage or wherever they're selling the hunting tags/doing the check-ins.

Also wherever they're selling ammo.

Also rod-and-gun club, Front Porch forum, whatever diner the hunters hang out at. If you know how to dress an animal maybe you can offer to help/trade.


kalitarios t1_iwch0t4 wrote

Singletons in Proctorsville has some. Sometimes. But it’s super expensive


LifeIzBeautiful t1_iwcjfeq wrote

Absolutely. My local Shaws carries ground venison that is farmed in Australia. Unfortunately, I think it's only sold ground. You can call your local, ask for the meat department and see what they carry and what they could order for you.


TheMobyDicks t1_iwctca0 wrote

While that's true some hunters whose tags are filled may be happy to give away a deer to OP so they can continue hunting. Get one every year from my buddy who is a deer slaya' of the first order.


lantonas t1_iwcuwkk wrote

I don't think "I've already shot four deer this year, so I'll give away the 5th" is a legal option either.

If your buddy is giving away deer so he can shoot more he sounds like a deer poacha' of the first order.


TheMobyDicks t1_iwcvvpk wrote

He's not, he's just better than I am. I always buy the license but get skunked early (last two years and so far this year) and - because of my job - can't hunt later in the season. So, deer count stays right, my buddy gets to hunt more and I get venison in the freeza'.


NapalmCheese t1_iwcx51r wrote

> I don't think "I've already shot four deer this year, so I'll give away the 5th" is a legal option either.

Generally speaking at least, it is not a legal option:

> Annual Deer Limit > > A person shall not take more than four deer in a calendar year, only one of which may be a legal buck (see below). Youth and novice hunters shall be allowed to take two legal bucks, provided that one is taken during the youth or novice season, not to exceed the annual limit of four deer.


ston3rbby710 t1_iwcyj5w wrote

I’ve gotten some from Healthy Living in South Burlington


NapalmCheese t1_iwd1uji wrote

Game management is a weird thing. It could be that Vermont supports enough deer for every hunter to harvest 4 deer a year and maintain the herd. In that case, while what they are doing is against the letter of the law, it's still within the intent (maintaining a healthy deer population). On the other hand, it might be that Vermont is gambling that most hunters won't take 4 deer a year, and so using someone else's limit towards your own limit is not only against the letter of the law, but also the intent.

I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not even a resident. I'm just some shmuck thousands of miles away that inherited some VT property from a deceased parent many years ago. I'm also a hunter and conservationist. I honestly can't say if what they are doing is in line with Vermont's projected deer harvest, so won't pass judgement; other than to let them know that what their buddy is doing is technically illegal.


lantonas t1_iwd34td wrote

Let's say you go fishing and the daily limit is six trout. A game warden shows up and you have ten trout on the stringer.

Would "Sorry officer, those extra four are for my neighbor, but don't worry, he has a fishing license!" or "Sorry officer, those extra four count towards tomorrow's bag limit" get you very far?


NapalmCheese t1_iwd3sdm wrote

Oh no, no matter what it's technically illegal, and if caught I would expect someone to get cited.

What I'm getting at is, from a conservation side of things, though it is illegal it may not be wrong (i.e. anathema to the conservation and maintenance of VT deer herds).

I imagine however that VT is depending on the fact that most people won't kill four deer a year, and as such, 'using' someone else's tags is likely also (from a conservation and herd maintenance standpoint) wrong.

For instance, as a non-resident landowner I can hunt my own property and take up to four deer. I doubt VT's deer herd models are expecting that to happen. Almost certainly VT does not have enough of a deer population to sustain having every single landowner, and every single hunter, shoot four deer while maintaining a healthy deer population for next year.


lantonas t1_iwd4en9 wrote

I'd be willing to bet that the wardens will gladly pursue a case of somebody plainly admitting that their friend is shooting deer and using his tags.

We're talking about fines, restitution, license suspension, possible weapon confiscation. And this goes for both parties.


Libriomancer t1_iwd4p2q wrote

We’ve bought some from these guys at local events that they come to but they also ship:

Farm raised animals but they do a variety of meats. Good quality according to my wife who comes from a hunting family and a mother who is a meat cutter.


__littlewolf__ t1_iwd6dav wrote

I’d advise against shaws. Half the time the meat is rotten. I’ve stopped purchasing meat there altogether. Seeet clover in Essex has a fun meat freezer and like another poster said I would call ahead to double check.


mmeadvt t1_iwd7s4r wrote

It is legal right now and people do sell it... most hunters are more likely to give you some free of charge (myself included) giving may away is also legal. Good idea to write the tag number on packages.


cannoloamore t1_iwd9is1 wrote

Shaws is legit. There is also Henry's in Bennigton, but you'll want to call ahead.


df33702021 t1_iwdelyp wrote

Sure, but you would have to get someone to quite literally turn themselves in. We're not talking reddit post. I don't think wardens are going around looking for this. It literally has to drop in their lap.


Acrobatic-Steak9332 t1_iwdgmn2 wrote

I agree with local hunters that would be willing to donate or sell - But if you're more comfortable at a store Singleton store in Cavendish, sells Venison, along with Local Rabbit, Bison, and other game meats. Recommend Highly.


GA19 t1_iwdiosw wrote

As a Vermonter who hunts every year this is absolutely infuriating. You think you can impose your will on our laws because “work is too busy.” The laws are not designed that way and they definitely don’t expect every hunter to tag 4 deer each year. It’s people like you who give hunters a bad reputation. I hope you both get caught, fined, and have your weapons seized.


greenmtnfiddler t1_iwdk802 wrote

Oops - but you can trade/give, right? Or do you have to do it quietly? Or does it not count if you help break it down yourself?

I know I've got friends who've made plenty of friendly arrangements over the years, but I'm totally NOT up on the legalities -- so sorry if I'm suggesting something inappropriate!

Anyone know the particulars?


RoyalIndependence500 t1_iwdm9po wrote

I no longer hunt, but my neighbor does. My partner bakes, so we exchange venison for birthday cakes. Perhaps you could make a similar arrangement?


Desperate_Ring_8933 t1_iwe0uzz wrote

In Vermont it illegal to sell wild game honestly you best bet would be to get in touch with a good local deer hunter most good vermoters would be willing to part with some for something in trade like a 12 pack or a good bottle of whiskey


mountainofclay t1_iwe88n4 wrote

As I understand it the only legal way to buy venison is to buy farm raised venison which is a slightly different type of deer.


somedudevt t1_iwf89vo wrote

This is not like it was 40 years ago. It use to be a common open secret that the husband and wife would get a tag, the husband would use the wife’s tag and no one cared. That’s changed. The law hasn’t but the enforcement has.

It’s the same as in 1980 you get drunk and go off the road the cop would drive you home, and tell you to sober up, today they bring you to jail. Everything is stricter now


lantonas t1_iwhmp9v wrote

He posts enough personally identifying information on Reddit that a Warden might have a fun time putting all the pieces together.

The town he lives in, his job, his age, his previous jobs, previous places he has lived, how many kids he has, the country his wife is from, how long they have been married, his fantasy football team name, and even how tall he is. lol

After that all the Warden has to do is knock on the door and ask him to take him to the kill site for his deer.

And since is actually in New Hampshire they can make an entire spectacle of it for TV!