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CHECK_FLOKI t1_ixxs0dj wrote

I'm not going to listen to someone denigrating climate scientists.

I ice fish, I ski, I skate. My favorite sport is hockey. My hobbies revolve around cold snowy weather and I'm worried about the future. I've seen changes from even when I was growing up.

Climate scientists are not using vague interpretations. We're on borrowed time regarding climate action.

The end.


Walruzuma t1_ixxsx9k wrote

I'm not denigrating. I'm elucidating. The US Federal Government has prioritized CO2 and CO2 only research. Thus, these 'Scientists' are narrowly focused and thus apply a 'constant' to a plethora of other real factors, such as solar activity, earth magnetic shifts, etc. etc. I'm sure you have already studied and understand each of the 100+ discounted factors. Have fun skiing.


Walruzuma t1_ixxu3mr wrote

LOL @ your 'borrowed time' comment. The planet was over 2 degrees warmer during the relatively recent "Renaissance" than it is today ffs. The 'crisis' is manufactured.