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fungiyenta t1_ivy292m wrote

This is interesting, even with cost of living I can imagine other states being much, much more stressful to live in. I wonder if this is because people actually are conscientious of mental health and so know to Google about their stress, depression and anxiety rather than repressing it?


they_have_no_bullets t1_ivy35r8 wrote

Vermont is the most educated state, so it is probably because we are actually aware of all the terrible stuff going on (eg, climate change, covid, systemic naked short selling and impending financial collapse, etc)


mango_murderer t1_ivy52vy wrote

This is untrue, MA is the most educated state, Vermont is #8 I believe. And if DC were considered a state, it would beat everyone


they_have_no_bullets t1_ivy5h3r wrote

Alright i stand corrected. But i was speaking from memory and i could have sworn that 10 years or so ago we were 1 or 2...


PestoChicken_Bart t1_ivy8qir wrote

Nope, Vermonts always been in the back half of the top 10. I used to think what you did but realized it was probably the superiority complex I think a lot of Vermonters have.


Nickmorgan19457 t1_ivy4cqo wrote

Don’t forget watching hopelessly as the worst parts of the country dive headfirst in the christofascism.


they_have_no_bullets t1_ivy504g wrote

Yeah. Ive actually considered registering as a republican just in case they eventually use their jerrymandering software to output a hit list once the christofascists go full nazi


obiwanjabroni420 t1_ivy6zzc wrote

Just a heads up you seem to be about one or two steps away from believing in batshit QAnon-type conspiracies, just from the other direction.


friedmpa t1_ivy4c8p wrote

How little control we have over anything and the passage of time, a great combination!


greenmtnramble t1_ivy4itn wrote

Good point, I think overall we also have a population that's very engaged and participates at a higher rate in studies and polls.


alfonseski t1_ivy5k7b wrote

Very much this. We used to play the would you rather game a bunch. One card was Would you rather be Beautiful and dumb or really smart and very unattractive. Time and time again the answer was the first one, "Ignorance is bliss"


bookpetals t1_ivy6nzr wrote

Was going to say something similar. Ignorance truly is bliss I guess.


fungiyenta t1_ivy4b82 wrote

I had never heard of naked short selling and now I’m stressed about it 😁 thanks for educating me


elefantsblue t1_ivy63uo wrote

The most educated state nobody can afford to live in with no industry. Sounds like people were studying the wrong things.


herklederkleferkle t1_ivy7y8q wrote

I grew up in VT. In my adult life I’ve tried to live in-state to be close to family and friends a couple of times. The cost of living, transportation woes, low-wages, and lack of professional development opportunities proved to be too much each time. I’ve lived abroad and in various places across the east coast. In my personal experience VT is the most difficult place to live without a very strong financial support network. I still have lingering anxiety from my time(s) in VT. Outside of VT (currently in NY) I’ve found the financial pressures are significantly reduced.

Again, personal experience. The friends I have who stayed in state all have financial support coming from their families, none of them have to try and eek out a living on a completely independent basis. VT is super stressful if you don’t have a solid chunk of $$.