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70180268 t1_ivsek9k wrote

Bearing in mind federal laws supersede state laws and constitutions. Federal restrictions would nullify this. So don’t rest to easily


BiggusDickus46 t1_ivt0vp5 wrote

Enforcement of federal is a key component to this though. Recreational cannabis, for example, is against federal law. The feds challenged this in the Supreme Court nearly two decades ago, and the SC ruled in favor of the federal government. However, SC also basically said, “But, it’s your job to go to Cali and enforce your federal laws.”

Of course, such enforcement never came.

The hope, at least, is that VT and any following states would win out in this same manner.


kswagger t1_ivu0ub3 wrote

States that go as far as to enshrine women's rights in their constitutions are not going to enforce a federal ban, and if a GOP controlled government decided to go all in on trying to enforce a federal ban via withholding federal funding from states that refuse, which would include several battleground states, they will just completely surrender the independent/suburban vote they can't afford to lose. These midterms were a fight for that vote and we just saw how that went.