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Decweb t1_ivqsqgs wrote

I've had Consolidated (and their predecessors) for 13 years. In the early years there were problems with reliability. But the last 10 years or so it's been pretty solid. (See caveats below).

I'm at the end of the road and wire. That means I get 8 Mbps down, and 1 Mbps up, and I have no options to improve that except to pay for a second line.

Here's the thing I've learned to watch out for. Uploads. You can bash your downloads all you want, everything works fine. But if you actually upload and peg your 1Mbps up, the connection becomes utterly unusable for any other purpose until that upload is done.

And while I upload photos regularly, I know when I'm uploading them. The big problem with the uploads-killing-internet-for-the-whole-house cames from the Apple ecosystem.

Every person who visits with their 2.5 Apple devices, ipads, watches, phones (especially phones), computers, all trying to exchange cat photos and share them to the cloud. Oy.

Someone plugs in their iphone to charge, that's when it decides to upload/sync to the cloud. House internet dies as 400MB of cat or baby videos get uploaded.

I finally solved the problem by getting a router that let's me police bandwidth. So now all those iphones and other devices can only upload at about 30% of the upload max bandwidth, leaving the network working.

Maybe that's what's getting you, maybe not, but worth keeping in mind if you have CC DSL.


chesbyiii t1_ivrkm67 wrote

Yeah- this is a pretty simple fix with a little QOS.


numetalbeatsjazz OP t1_ivtcjel wrote

I've had this issue too. My computer kept trying to upload all my shit to One Drive which killed all speeds. I fixed that and things were fine for a bit but quickly started to downgrade. I've had some techs willing to do diagnostic shit. One even stayed on the line with me while I turned off and back on every device until we found the one that was the culprit. But that's another gripe I have with them: some techs are amazing, others just say "Huh, that sucks. Anyway, we're sending a tech out, but we can't tell you when and if they show up while you're not home, that's on you."

It's gotten to the point where I actively tell the person on the phone that I know a call ticket isn't going to fix anything, but I'm hoping to waste everyone's time and resources enough for CC to actually do something useful.