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Wader_Man t1_itxvoc9 wrote

10 years ago I would have said Minnesota. They seem to have gang and crime issues now, maybe because Minneapolis got too big. Maybe its still #2 except for parts of Minneapolis though. So, hmmmm..... while I'm tempted to say Wisconsin, I think Washington state has it beat in terms of geographic beauty and climate. I'd have to look more closely at Oregon and Idaho too - I've been to those states only once. But if you need a firm answer, Washington.


sn0qualmie t1_ity7j3a wrote

It's a tough toss-up between Washington and Oregon for me. Oregon has the better coastal areas, but Washington's wilderness is a little more rugged. Some areas of Oregon are more charming, but their equivalents in Washington end up being more enjoyable because they're not as crowded (with the major exception of Mt. Rainier and anything else near Seattle). They both have universal mail-in voting (good), and constant forest fires (bad).


PeppermintPig t1_itynx36 wrote

California tends to get the most attention for forest fires, but it's important to remember it's a problem with the northern neighbors as well. Hard lines against logging combined with stewardship issues have not helped either.


AnotherPint t1_itz5i1n wrote

Seattle had the worst air quality index in the world last week. I was there for work a few weeks ago and the plane descended through sky that looked like L.A. smog in the 1970s. They were warning old people and asthmatics not to go outside. It was sci-fi-level dystopian.


Cobdain t1_itzo2g1 wrote

Due to forest fires, those prevailing winds really screw Seattle over


adventuredispenser t1_ityipfp wrote

As a VT native but current WI resident i can assure wherever the former ranks the latter falls far, far lower. It's amazing how Walker transformed this state, the cynicism of his governance continues to grow in the culture here. Our midterm political ads right now are legitimately insane and so, so hateful and it's a reflection of us. Also I miss access and beauty that a right to roam culture and stewardship culture built in VT dearly. My hyperbolic quip to outdoors lovers who have never lived/explored here is that wisconsinites only know how to enjoy the outdoors if they're using a motor or trying to kill something and ideally both.


PeppermintPig t1_itynf1u wrote

Yeah, it's a tossup for me between Vermont and the Palouse (Inland Oregon, Washington, Idaho area).


k-spar t1_itypnew wrote

fires are making that area a lot worse


NEIC_ADMIN t1_itzkz4y wrote

I feel bad for Minnesotans. Most are intelligent and nice people. But they have the ill fortune of being surrounded by North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. I feel bad for any inland state full of intelligent and nice people, such as Illinois, New Mexico, and Colorado.


Americ-anfootball t1_iu2bfq0 wrote

curious how you figure that everyone in the Dakotas, Iowa, and Wisconsin is stupid and unkind. That sure sounds like it's just your own personal ignorance


thestateisgreen t1_itz95t8 wrote

I’ve been in Vermont for 14 years and have my sights set on Oregon.


nosamwilliam t1_iu02vsk wrote

Native Portlander that moved to NH 2 years ago. It’s super fun if your younger and single. Not a great place to raise kids IMO. The scenery is ridiculous but there’s too many people to enjoy it anymore 😢

Still getting used to New England but it’s been pretty dang nice out here so far.


thestateisgreen t1_iu0uo3t wrote

I had a sense of that. Portland has never appealed to me. I primarily fell in love with Bend/Mt. Bachelor, the proximity to certain national parks (and western Canada terrain), and of course the short drive to the beautiful Pacific coastline.


nosamwilliam t1_iu1n7kg wrote

Bend and surrounding areas a beautiful but it’s crazy expensive out there. If you can afford it I say go for it!

Smith Rock is absolutely stunning