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Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_irnuyip wrote

As a flatlander, calling someone a flatlander to rib them is hilarious. Getting called a "fucking flatlander" when I do some stupid shit will never stop being funny for me. Keep doing that, anyone who gets poopy face over that needs to stop taking themselves so seriously.

Calling someone a flatlander because you honestly think it's an insult makes you look like you eat crayons. I think I've only ever heard it happen like once or twice (I've lived here for about 10 years), but whenever it happens it's so apparent that the person saying "flatlander" is just an absolute neanderthal and is trying to shut down the conversation because their two brain cells found each other and short circuited.


FutureVermonter OP t1_irpfyuo wrote

People say it left and right here. It’s a derogatory term to keep People out of vermont. It’s ignorant.