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slightlyrottensalmon OP t1_irfgxil wrote

Single upfront payment of $5500 or $55/month. $2200 from GMP towards the installation. I don’t have a formal estimate for the remainder of installation costs. A bit strange that you have to sign up to get total cost estimate, that’s why I’m asking here. Hoping for some real world positive and negative experiences from those who already have them.

That single upfront payment is considerably less than what I was looking at for a generator (and dependence on natural gas to run it).

I’m not completely committed if feedback steers me elsewhere which is nice.


hudsoncider t1_irfhar2 wrote

Yeah reading through it it does sound like a pretty good plan. I’d imaging the $2k should cover most of not all installation costs but definitely interested to hear if I’m completely off.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_irfoohy wrote

IMO you should always stay away from propane and ng generators for fuel availability reasons. Yes I might seem paranoid but if the shit really hits the fan I want to be able to quickly fuel my generator. Gasoline and diesel and also veggie fuel will be avail for much longer. Remember also that nat gas is pumped with electricity so if the outage was catastrophic your generator would be useless. Prolly would never happen but I am kinda prepper minded and think of that stuff. On another note even if you get a powerwall I would still get a generator just a cheap one though couple hundy's down at Harbor Freight type of deal just to run your fridge or other essentials with an extension cord. Depending on where you are in VT we can and do lose power for days.