Submitted by Quirfg t3_xwb0kl in vermont

Everyone has been so nice, a lovely place.

It's been lovely to have conversations with neighbours without them going on and on and on about Trump and how Democrats are evil and what church you go to. Not even mentioned politics at all, it's genuinely lovely. No obnoxious flags about, loving it.

Husband is so happy to be away from his horrible, evil parents. I'm so happy I won't have to see them ever again hopefully.

Thank you people of Vermont.



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chesbyiii t1_ir5ersq wrote

Yay! What town did you settle in?


[deleted] t1_ir5es50 wrote

We like trump here too


vtmosaic t1_ir5g587 wrote

Well, most of us, not so much, based on the Presidential elections.

There's a house near me that has a big, nasty banner on his fence. It clearly and concisely says 'Fuck Biden and any one who voted for him'. So I guess those folks like Trump. Not sure why they have to treat their neighbors that way, though. Kinda ugly, you know?


Deuce-anda-half t1_ir5g93i wrote

Your post history is entirely, if not, exclusively political…. 🤨


ScrodLeader t1_ir5j2wm wrote

Uhhh. If you want to maintain that illusion, don’t talk to your neighbors about politics. Vermont votes blue but it’s still a rural state. People can be neighborly and still be conservative…those things are not mutually exclusive.


Plant_table_couch t1_ir5pjhf wrote

It sounds like no one likes you from wherever you’re from; and you use politics to internalize the reason why. Just sayin


General_Explorer3676 t1_ir5pxid wrote

I don't understand posts like this, I've lived all over the South and in DC and all over VT, its really really easy just to not talk politics with people.


SlytherinTargaryen t1_ir5rdp1 wrote

This is going to trigger the minority conservatives out of the woodwork, but congrats! Welcome to the state, looks like you found some of your own people!


[deleted] t1_ir5rgtz wrote

I lived in the South and it's a CONSTANT topic and people just say shit out loud assuming the whole room agrees with them.

I had no idea that people were so obsessed with "Yankees" and actually just use the N word constant and casually. And now, years later, my family who has lived down there since the 1970s is contemplating a move back. They can't take the atmosphere any more. My cousin [antique dealer] sends me pictures of the repro signs of "whites only", all the repro KKK memorabilia, etc.

I literally have heard "liberal" as a road rage curse. LOL.

It's pretty hard to avoid.


mistahboogs t1_ir5sm0z wrote

Oh wow you’re the one moving a factory here or something right? Seems to be you discuss a hell of a lot of politics.


you_give_me_coupon t1_ir64sys wrote

Be sure to check out /r/shitlibsafari , it sounds right up your alley.


Deuce-anda-half t1_ir65s7p wrote


It can be safely assumed about anyone that their online activity reflects their “real life” interests. Unless of course, because this is Reddit, you’re using a throwaway for weird porn and trolling.


21stCenturyJanes t1_ir775bm wrote

Welcome and congratulations on your new life. It's nice to hear someone settling in so well what this sub is so resistant to newcomers! Luckily, they don't represent most people in the state.

In Vermont, you can still be friends with your neighbors even if you have different politics. And no one will ever ask you what church you go to!


bobsizzle t1_ir7gjoh wrote

Give it time. You still might hear about trump. Either how great he is or awful.


utilitarian_wanderer t1_ir7smjw wrote

It's interesting when you see everyone (Trump people, your husbands evil, horrible parents) as bad, you might want to look in the mirror. And just because some Vermonters don't talk politics with you, don't assume that they are all democrats or you may regret it.