Submitted by accepteverything t3_122u0o9 in vermont

Yikes, taking a walk today was a real experience. Litter everywhere. I've lived in Vermont my whole life and have never known of anyone getting that $500 fine the signs warn us about. Do people actually ever get fined?

Edit: For all of you folks mentioning green up day, why wait? I picked up half a kitchen trash bag on that three mile walk down my dirt road today.



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Coachtzu t1_jdrtqjp wrote

Not sure if they still do, but a friend of mine in high school got pulled over and fined for tossing an empty Gatorade bottle out his window while driving. This was 13-ish years ago in a small town where the cops didn't have much else to do, but littler is definitely getting worse. As so.eone else suggested, volunteer for green up day.


No-Ebb6940 t1_jdrwn6o wrote

I came to the comments to tell this exact same story. Either we have the same friend or apparently Vermont high schoolers need to be more careful with their Gatorade bottles.


Coachtzu t1_jds6tjb wrote

Both could definitely be true. You from the upper valley area?


No-Ebb6940 t1_jds7wyj wrote

Nope! Chittenden cty! Haha I guess it answers the question people do get ticketed for littering since this has happened at least twice.


Comprehensive-Sale79 t1_jds9e98 wrote

I assume the issue is enforcement. How often do litterers actually get caught in the act?


lantonas t1_jdte6lu wrote

I'd assume most littering tickets are given when people throw traffic tickets out of their car window.


ElDub73 t1_jdrxd5s wrote

Sounds like you found a perfect spot for green up day!



hate2catchfeelings t1_jdtv470 wrote

It's pretty bad and I just don't get it.

I agree with 'why wait?' I take my young nieces and nephews out quite often and we always start with a sweep of the parking area or fishing spot. They are proud to make it look better for the next visitors.

If there are cans, I redeem them and use the money to buy beer for them. Hopefully they'll see the reward and continue doing this when they get to high school.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_jdrrcjv wrote

Don’t know the answer to your question.

Where abouts?

Pretty sure other states are worse.

Volunteer for Green-Up Day, May 6.


ThePecanRolls5225 t1_jdt3hc2 wrote

I know a couple kids who got the fine in high school. Hard to enforce unless an officer sees them litter so I assume that’s why there aren’t a ton of examples


Effinehright t1_jdvy6g0 wrote

We wait for green up day for the free removal and internet points silly.


10-Key-Very-Much t1_jdta2o5 wrote

Yeah Vermonters litter like everywhere, but at least we clean it up once a year. Roadsides will look much nicer in 6 weeks.


SinisterSweets t1_jdtgl39 wrote

I know a guy who was fined for flicking a cigarette butt on the ground... right on the outskirts of his driveway. This happened about.... oh 6 years ago now.


KillRainbowPonies t1_jdtgzed wrote

Green up day is soon. Yeah, there's a bit of trash out there. Grab some green bags and do something about it. 802!


Twombls t1_jdti66u wrote

Yeah they do. Once I saw a group of drunk kids knock over a trashcan in burlington while a cop was driving by. Cop gave them the option of either picking it up of fining them.