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gcubed680 t1_jcvr1d0 wrote

I’m a transplant of a few years ago and i have no idea how older people manage here. They do, but finding doctors and getting appointments for things is difficult enough when i only have to go once a year, couldn’t imagine how it is to deal with actual older health problems


[deleted] t1_jcvu32y wrote

Older generations were able to build wealth in a way that was denied to us. I actually pay rent (in Massachusetts) that's higher than a mortgage in most places but I don't have a car and my job isn't in most places.


kellogsmalone t1_jcxjxwc wrote

Pretty much all rents are higher than mortgages because rent is a mortgage plus additional taxes plus a little profit to account for repairs. My mortgage is $2100 and I rent it for $2,400.


Twombls t1_jcwdfgz wrote

As someone who has had two grandparents grow old in this state. And now is having parents grow old in this state. Its a lot of driving to Dartmouth, boston and nyc.


Twombls t1_jcwcqsm wrote

"Tax happy vermont"

"Bernie sanders home"

Written in 2016

Hmmm this article may have some biases


[deleted] t1_jcxv159 wrote

>Hmmm this article may have some biases

I mean it's Forbes


Rare_Message_7204 t1_jcxsb9a wrote

It's True. Why do you think it stays so beautiful? It's a vacationers state.


ballofsnowyoperas t1_jcvsut2 wrote

The answer is capital. Responsible saving for retirement is really important.


gcubed680 t1_jcvvlxg wrote

I’m not even talking about money. Access to medical care


Historical-Run-1511 t1_jcwaf5x wrote

I am not that old and not retired but have some old-people style health issues. It's really not so bad. Once you have a referral to a specialist the wait isn't so bad especially if it's more of a big-deal health thing. The docs are especially responsive via messaging as well. I'm in Burlington which might make it a bit easier.