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Effinehright t1_jcmbaw3 wrote

Reread my comment maybe it’s just your comprehension that’s the issue?


TheTowerBard t1_jcmclqo wrote

Yes, I fully understand that you are ok with journalists not doing their job and instead acting more like stenographers producing weird articles that read like they were pulled from an AI chat bot.

And please, own your shit. You came in here spewing your gibberish about a “slant” I was supposedly claiming this journalist has. Yet, it’s an article about cops firing a cop, or pushing him out of the department. This is cop on cop drama my dude, where’s the slant? 🤣

I just want an article written by a human, is that too much to ask?


Effinehright t1_jcmdpfs wrote

Youre used to articles with a slant is what I said there’s no edit your comprehension sucks. That’s clear by you doubling down. It’s the facts that’s what news is supposed to be. No editorialized bullshit.


TheTowerBard t1_jcmekhq wrote

We don’t need the guys resume and entire work history to establish the facts of this situation you dingus brain. It’s odd. It’s weird. Sorry I hurt your feelings. Bye now.


Effinehright t1_jcmf0w9 wrote

Own it though own that you didn’t comprehend!! Come back…
