Commercial_Case_7475 t1_jcbl6aw wrote
Try front porch forum, and make sure to phrase it so that guys with decked out trucks feel like you are suggesting that they wouldn't be able to plow it. Trust me, you'll get responses real fast.
I joked with a buddy of mine that his truck probably couldn't tow my tiny house, and you better believe I ended up hiring him to tow it lol
Keatonium765 t1_jcbvtwi wrote
get a shovel
ClassyKilla t1_jcc8msr wrote
I've got a snowblower
Careful_Square1742 t1_jcccqt0 wrote
flip a coin for dodge or chevy, then post "some guy came with a INSERT BRAND NAME HERE, and the truck couldn't do it"
you'll have 14 guys there in 20 minutes trying to prove their brand truck is better. LOL
coldinvt t1_jcci7o6 wrote
Either your plow guy screwed up and didn’t come hit your driveway once or twice while it was still snowing, or you didn’t want to pay him enough…
Either way, post up as suggested. You may need a tractor or a loader, depending on how much you got. This shit is heavy!
coldinvt t1_jccicmi wrote
Try CL and FB Marketplace as well. Good luck!
NoMidnight5366 t1_jcd7z5k wrote
Yeah his was a tough storm. Plow my own drive with an f250. You’d think it would be a breeze. I woke up thinking I’d hit it at 6-8 and just drive around on in to pack it down because it was soft underneath. But at 7am we already had about 16” and by then it was too late. You try to float the plow a couple inches but the weight of the snow just pushes into the ground and you end up plowing dirt. Ended up snow blowing it.
Unique-Public-8594 t1_jcbewd1 wrote
Try posting on your town’s Front Porch Forum.