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whaletacochamp t1_jc71w52 wrote

Only took 74 years to get legal cannabis all setup, this ought to fly through Montpelier!


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jc9dzwd wrote

Let's not act like they're even remotely the same. Comments like this are ignorant.


The_Barbelo t1_jc9w5e9 wrote

Explain yourself. How is it ignorant? You should look into how successful prohibition has been historically.

Weed is literally a psychedelic in high doses.

Not to mention, legalizing substances will allow them to be regulated and studied for therapeutic effects. Right now, a large amount of overdoses in VT are attributed to fentanyl laced drugs.

criminal charges aren’t working so great, are they? Prison in the US isn’t meant to rehabilitate . Once you’re in the system you’re finished. You can’t really get work, people will judge you…all because you are addicted to a taboo substance because you were never given help… even though people are walking around with severe caffeine and social media addictions and no one says a word to them about it. People who want or depend on drugs are going to get them no matter what. Might as well make sure it’s clean and provide people with addiction resources and mental health help funded through taxing the drugs. Seems pretty simple to me.


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jcdlk9f wrote

If you think powerful psychedelics are and apples to apples comparison with cannabis, then I would doubt you have ever tried either.

Wee is not a psychedelic. The amount of THC you would have to consume to get the same effect as 2 grams of mushrooms is impossible and even then, the experience would be more akin to a bad trip.

People make their own decision. Very rarely are their cases of forced addiction and I don't know what angle you are playing at in terms of legalization b, but it will be a cold day in hell before I sat idly by while people tried to legalize things like heroin and coke because they're too lazy or scared to help the people who need it a do what needs to be done to help them. I agree you can treat opioid and alcohol addiction with a combination of psychedelics and therapy, but that should be a last case scenario and in heroin and alcohols my opinion in the best offence is a good defense and to stir people away from it at all cost staring at a young age. Thats the messages that should be in our classrooms. Not the ones we have now because they aren't working.


The_Barbelo t1_jcdo14a wrote

I have tried both, I never made an apples to apples comparison. Im actually getting really sick of people on Reddit assuming shit about each other so quickly and then being condescending because of an assumption. Everyone has their own lives and opinions, but that’s a different discussion and I wanted to hear why you thought the way you did.

In fact, it was an experience with an edible I made with far too much weed that put me into Diabetic Ketoacidosis and a coma. Not the weed itself, but I was so out of it and not taking care of myself, and I downed a 2 liter of regular soda I thought was diet.

I don’t really have an angle other than I come from a father who was alchoholic and I myself am recovering. I also work for people with addictions, not all of them but some, and my organization has had several overdoses, luckily it’s been several years. I’ve seen the heroine problem here first hand in both my work and when I was displaced from the housing problem and was living in a motel during Covid. 13 OD deaths in the 6 months we lived there.

There’s no easy solution here honestly. But one thing is for sure, resources need funding badly and there needs to be better mental health care. luckily my wages are paid by Medicaid so I can keep helping. There’s also a psychologist and psychiatrist shortage that I don’t see being talked about as often as housing, obviously housing is more immediately important…but in the long term it’s having a devastating effect that I also see first hand in my work.

Canada is in the process of legalizing many drugs, and in BC they have clinics that give out drugs in a safe space….we will be able to see how that turns out for them, and we can back up our opinions with more data after we see what the long term results will be up there.


whaletacochamp t1_jca66kk wrote

I’m the ignorant one? Lol

No, you’re right. To the folks who stalemated legal cannabis this is actually way worse and they will work twice as hard to stalemate twice as long.


The_Barbelo t1_jcavlbw wrote

I love when people tell you you’re ignorant without explaining how, or providing any good counterpoints for discussion or debate. Like yeah immediately putting someone on the defensive by making assumptions about them is definitely going to change their minds /s. Haha


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jcdmdil wrote

Psychedelics and opioids should never be legal on a recreational level. EVER.

Cannabis and powerful psychedelic are not the same and from what I've seen from this sub I would have never sold them to in good conscience, you because you wouldn't have been able to handle it.