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zombienutz1 t1_jd61gd0 wrote

You mean the Federal Government.


Hanginon t1_jd6nc5s wrote

Nice try.

Border Patrol aren't Vermont, they're Federal. ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯


WhatTheCluck802 t1_jd63akn wrote

Do better than what? The article is clear that this was a complete surprise to state officials and they’re rapidly trying to figure out a plan. Can you not judge that plan when it still hasn’t been formulated?


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jdads42 wrote

Be as good a person as OP is the implication. I bet OP wears a mask to walk down the street solo.


zkentvt t1_jd67c14 wrote

What should they have done with them, in your opinion?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_jd9hvbf wrote

They should have been assisted with the refugee application process and then returned to Canadaian authorities while the application was processed. Not like they face persecution in Quebec.


General_Skin_2125 t1_jd86cgi wrote

Last time I checked, border patrol is not on the State of Vermont payroll...

Since you're all high and mighty, what's your detailed plan?


lantonas t1_jd67qnf wrote

Are these the Canadian Maple Syrup Mafia that I've been warned about?


newenglandsouth t1_jdacnpq wrote

This is the federal government’s doing and open borders have costs. Sending them back to Canada won’t work since they aren’t Canadian - they are illegally in Canada too. There is a reason breaking the law must come with punishment. Deporting them isn’t punishment. They just come back.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jdadlzd wrote

If you're going to virtue signal, might as well use your real name. kinda pointess on reddit.


lantonas t1_jd63ma1 wrote

Joe Biden's America
