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ebriggs t1_jd7iuf4 wrote

Munchkin - so everyone is pissed and stuck inside after.


Krusch420 t1_jd7lqhd wrote

Munchkin creates as many enemies as monopoly. Love it though.


numetalbeatsjazz t1_jd7q1pa wrote

This game never comes out because I have more respect for my friends than to piss all them off


Bradcopter t1_jd7thcy wrote

If you really want to piss them off, Red Dragon Inn is a great one.


BooksNCats11 t1_jd7j941 wrote

Catan, Kill Doctor Lucky, Clue, checkers, Trekking, Ticket to Ride.

If you include card games Uno, Phase 10, and Skip Bo will always be a hit here.


Swetpotato t1_jd7izxm wrote

Betrayal at House on the Hill! It's soooooo repayable.


lloyd7242 t1_jd8xq5s wrote

I just introduced betrayal at Baldur's Gate to some friends and they loved it. I wanna try house on the hill some time.


brainzilla420 t1_jd7jccg wrote

We've been playing a lot of wingspan, carcassonne, forbidden sky, and hi-ho-cherry-o.


dillydally85 t1_jd8jgny wrote

I got WAY into Carcassonne for a minute. Like, not just collecting expansion sets but getting custom painted meeples, printing and fabricating fan made expansion sets, memorizing how many unique tiles there were. It was a problem.


DanyDud3 t1_jd9c08l wrote

Have you checked out the other forbidden games? Desert and Island are great, and Jungle is coming out soon


GrittyPrettySitty t1_jd9xn8e wrote

I think desert is the best so far, but I am excited to see how jungle works out.


empire_de109 t1_jdx5ate wrote

My parents and I could never figure out a good strat to Desert, whereas Island we can usually get a good thing going.


CTdadof5 t1_jd7i41y wrote

Backgammon and cribbage.


DifferentManagement1 t1_jd7k1oe wrote



wessex464 t1_jd9ocqc wrote

I make it my mission to make the most complex tile movements. No move is worth making unless it involves 17 tile moves, 3 broken runs, distributing a 3 of a kind and playing just one tile from your hand.


hotseltzer t1_jd7pnhz wrote

We recently discovered Everdell and love it (and the expansions)


thenewjerk t1_jd7whum wrote

Just picked this up but haven’t played it yet! Psyched to bust into it this weekend


CancelCultAntifaLol t1_jd7i9ps wrote

I’ll always advocate for Terraforming Mars or Arkham Horror. There are no other tabletops like them.


zarmet t1_jd7iwby wrote

Just discovered TM this past weekend, it’s so much fun!


Backyard_Games OP t1_jd7lyxw wrote

Arkham Horror the card game is one of my absolute favorites!


coopaliscious t1_jdc6g2z wrote

Have you played Ares Expedition? We're really liking that as an update to TM.


bugluvr65 t1_jd7hvy3 wrote

big Clue guy right here


numetalbeatsjazz t1_jd7py1u wrote

Two+ player card based:
Let's Summon Demons (current favorite)
Exploding Kittens
Unlocked Games (like escape the room games but with cards.)

Two+ player board games:
Ticket to Ride
Scythe (prepare for a 2 hour+ game)
Everdale (a 3D board game. Quite possibly the prettiest board games I ever played)


Backyard_Games OP t1_jd7qj74 wrote

Great list!

Let's Summon Demons has one of my favorite mechanics. If you like the mechanic of playing on other players' turns, try Space Base.


Griffin_is_my_name t1_jd7rgzn wrote



HomeOnTheMountain_ t1_jdalquh wrote

This game is called "Fuck you forest" in our household

Photosynthesis: Where throwing shade isn't just welcome, it's encouraged!


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_jd82suj wrote

BoardGameArena just got the e-version. I do have the meatspace copy but it’s nice to place 2 rounds in the space of 1


meatpopsicle42 t1_jd7ivcr wrote

Zombicide. HeroQuest. TransAmerica. King of Tokyo.

Those were the four this winter, anyway.

… also Dragonwood. But that’s a card game. Not sure if that counts.


caitsaurusrex t1_jd7jmda wrote

Catan, Smash Up, Exploding Kittens, and Unstable Unicorns are our go tos! Villainous is also really good though can take a minute to pick up.


sn0qualmie t1_jd84agc wrote

We just got a new one from the Exploding Kittens/The Oatmeal guy. It's called Mantis, and it's a quick, simple game with a small table footprint. I think it's just become our new favorite for bringing to the bar.

I'm still trying to find anyone who can beat my husband at Villainous, because he is an absolute strategy steamroller and in a two-player game with me he will win every. damn. time. while I'm sitting around with my whole realm covered in annoying heroes. Someone needs to wallop him, but it's clearly not going to be me.


8valvegrowl t1_jd7yeik wrote

This winter has brought out some old favorites, like Catan, Ticket To Ride, Yahtzee and Uno.

Newer ones in the rotation recently, Ramen Fury, Slamwich, and Strain.


Beneficial-Crow7054 t1_jd7j08i wrote

Gloom haven,twilight imperium and lords of waterdeep


HomeOnTheMountain_ t1_jdalsjr wrote

Oh man how's gloom haven? My buddy has it and we just haven't had time to break it open and kick off yet


Beneficial-Crow7054 t1_jdar0ns wrote

Its okay, good gameplay and mechanics. But the ia so much card board and so many decks of cards. It geta really cluttered


Cease_Cows_ t1_jd7vlxh wrote

Root is a ton of fun for the right group (it's kind of heavy). For something lighter I like Everdell, Boss Monster, or Flamecraft.


Also if you're reading this and into board games and live in the Rochester area hit me up!


thenewjerk t1_jd7wpo4 wrote

Bloodborne, smash up, ramen fury, cribbage, elder sign, mechs vs minions


arborc t1_jd9kqce wrote

I am never stuck inside.


Broomepower t1_jd82tac wrote

Bohnanza. We call it Beans. Fantastic game.


ChickenGuzman t1_jd8sgk8 wrote

A friend brought this game over one night and they were so excited to play it. Long story short, someone was so bored that they just kept drinking and drinking to pass the time and ended up vomiting in the kitchen sink.


Broomepower t1_jd8spmg wrote

To each their own


ChickenGuzman t1_jd8sweb wrote

I only played it the one time. I should give it another try because I’ve seen it mentioned more than once


kdub012 t1_jd85f4o wrote

Wingspan, 7 Wonders Duel, Patchwork, Santorini


hippiepotluck t1_jd86jgn wrote

Wingspan and Azul are the favorites in my house.


udepeep t1_jda2rq6 wrote

Hooray for Azul! Which version? I've been playing the original for several years and my son just got me Summer Pavillion


hippiepotluck t1_jdbzlo4 wrote

We’ve only got the original version, but I’ve been eyeing the others. How do you like Summer Pavilion?


udepeep t1_jdckfjo wrote

We haven't played yet. The rules are a step up complication wise and they look like it takes up a bit more space to play. I'm watching a playthrough on YouTube to get ready.


Reel_Account t1_jd8eenb wrote



pedoh t1_jd9mkjs wrote

Trolled through the comments wondering if I’d see Crokinole. I want a board. Do you have a Tracey, or other? The Tracey’s are the gold standard, but $$$.


Reel_Account t1_jd9ok4m wrote

Yeah got a Tracey. Wife thought I was crazy. Now its the main game we play.


pedoh t1_jd9rj45 wrote

I may do the same. I think the best deal I can find is through BrownCastle games bundle with a case and some 20s holders, and then I’d probably get discs from workshopsupply or something. How’d you get yours?


Reel_Account t1_jd9sd92 wrote

You know what I believe I looked at a bunch of Traceys but actually ended up getting this one now that I look back at my emails:

They just had a colorway I liked better and the carrying case which was really helpful when we moved.


pedoh t1_jd9y3ha wrote

Ah cool, hadn’t encountered this site yet, I’ll check them out. Thanks!


Earl_of_Madness t1_jd8o6a9 wrote

Wingspan. Probably one of the best designed games of the modern Era.


ProLicks t1_jdak2fc wrote

Couldn’t agree more. The Oceania expansion with the nectar makes the game so much fun.


BeerdedWarrior t1_jd9x6yu wrote

We’re a DnD family. Been playing the same campaign for a few years and turned it digital. Works like a charm and it’s fun as hell. Tons of free tools for chat, maps, and character sheets!


MFDVT t1_jd7qq06 wrote



FinnBTV t1_jd7v6fr wrote

Everdell, Dominion, Wingspan, Ticket to Ride: Europe, Tiny Towns, Spirit Island, Duel, Pandemic

There are a lot of expansions for Dominion.. Seaside, Prosperity, and Nocturne are our favorites so far!


Foundation2934 t1_jda1rea wrote

We had a board game weekend and a group decided to learn to play Everdell, it looked similar to Wingspan but I didn’t get into their game enough to learn. It took them a good couple hours at least with learning and playing.

Also, a friend of mine made Tiny Towns! If you like it he’s got a new game out called Wormholes and a kickstarter (which might be closed) for a game called Fit to Print. Both are excellent.


FinnBTV t1_jdceimu wrote

That is so cool about your friend! We love Tiny Towns and will definitely look at Wormholes and Fit to Print!!


Nu_mis_mat_ics t1_jd80c8e wrote


Backyard_Games OP t1_jd80o5n wrote

Looks like a collector's item


naidim t1_jd8cs15 wrote

Catan, Ticket to Ride, Betrayal at House on the Hill, and we just got Wingspan and it's great.


Galag0 t1_jd8x2lw wrote

Destiny 2


SmoothSlavperator t1_jd92t66 wrote

blackberry brandy and try to get 40 year old snowmobiles running.


HomeOnTheMountain_ t1_jd7iw53 wrote

Hero realms or Star realms - both great with 2 players since it can be vs or cooperative


Foundation2934 t1_jda0xa4 wrote

My husband is addicted to star realms. It’s great because he can play the mobile version with all his friends that live out of state.


HomeOnTheMountain_ t1_jda1r9r wrote

Has he tried hero realms? Same game, but fantasy themed *and* has a challenging/fun campaign you can play (My wife and I play it constantly)


Foundation2934 t1_jda23xe wrote

I’m not sure, I’ll have to let him know if he hasn’t already be lurking on these comments. :)


Krusch420 t1_jd7luyw wrote

Exploding Kittens, Munchkins, cards against humanity


Ikaldepan t1_jd7mdam wrote

Wingspan, Mariposa, Warsaw, Santa Monica.


Little_Duckling t1_jd7qogc wrote

Wingspan, Century Spice Road, Azul, Cribbage, 5221


pcans802 t1_jd7viuw wrote

Twilight struggle if you have one person you are very competitive with and can replay. Best 1 v 1 game if you have hours and hours


suzi-r t1_jd7whxs wrote

No board games for me nowadays. Books & internet to read, views to paint from my windows, friends to call, tons more to do. Go out well clad & tromp around in the snow; when it stops, shovel some. Yrs ago though: chess, checkers, monopoly, and a kid-game I can’t recall…


bleahdeebleah t1_jd7x48u wrote

I wouldn't say we're stuck inside, but Concordia, Scythe, Quixx, Cribbage, Cosmic Wimpout


dbolg22 t1_jd7xbxc wrote

I like catan and sequence!


slidingdoor85 t1_jd82gp6 wrote

Cabo, Stellar, oh my brain, enchanted plumes, mysterium park, parade, subastral, hanamikoji, space park, Luxor, canopy


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_jd83n40 wrote

Lately I’ve been playing Obsession, which is a fantastic Victorian-era-themed worker-placement game, and Carnegie, which takes twice as long but even more worker-placey.

A great game for not taking too long or taking yourself too seriously is crokinole, which is like darts, tiddlywinks, and shuffleboard had a baby. One of those ‘minute to learn, lifetime to master’ things. Best played while imbibing


halfbakedblake t1_jd862wh wrote

Carcassonne, king of Tokyo, smash up, but spring is here.


helikessoup t1_jd87g1u wrote

Dead of winter, cribbage, pandemic, Boss monster, any of the Flux games.


R50cent t1_jd87gxe wrote

Lol good job getting everyone to help you with your marketing research.


whereismyorangejuice t1_jd88if7 wrote

Currently it's Calico - past favorites include Ecologies, D&D Legend of Drizzt or Wrath of Ashardalon, and DC Comics deck building.


rufustphish t1_jd8g2k4 wrote

I have young children and Sorry has been a hit, and Uno


partial_birth t1_jd8k78b wrote

Bloc by Bloc: Uprising is a great new one that has been a lot of fun this winter.


dillydally85 t1_jd8lahn wrote

We Just got Shadows In The Woods. IT'S AWESOME. The board has 3D objects on it and one person plays as a candle, the other players can only move in shadows cast by said candle. As the candle moves around the board the shadows shift and the other players need to change strategy as they try to cross the board. It's a quick simple game but its super cool and really visually moody since you have to play in low light. Hands down one of the most unique games I've played in a long time.


SilverKelpie t1_jd8p503 wrote

Wingspan, Terraforming Mars, Libertalia, Splendor, Ginkgopolis…


Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_jd8pll6 wrote

Not necessarily board games, but Boggle, Bananagrams, Scattergories, and GOLF (the card game) are my favorites.

I remember loving Pass the Pig when I was a kid but I don’t remember how to play

There’s another one but I can’t think of the name… I haven’t played it in so long. what’s that board game where you’re on teams of two and there are 4 categories (I think it’s art, science, and two other things) and you do things like drawing and charades and puzzles??? It’s driving me crazy that I can’t think of what this game is called

Also it’s my lifelong dream to play CharDeeMacDennis


batman2016melmo t1_jd8w1ew wrote

If you want to set aside 2 whole days, Axis and Allies is my favorite.

Otherwise Ticket to Ride, Monopoly (mega edition), Carcassonne, Settlers, and LOTR Risk are just a few others.


lloyd7242 t1_jd8xjof wrote

Betrayal at Baldur's Gate has been a favorite among my friends and I. Just bought Ahoy and am super excited to introduce it to my group.


RoweterikVT t1_jd90cr7 wrote

Talisman and Ticket to Ride are fun, also, old school 13 Dead End Drive is pretty great


incub8r t1_jd9fwrl wrote

Five Crowns is an excellent card game! It dominates the circuit in family game night. Also on the roster: Yahtzee, Skip-bo, cranium and cribbage.


thetoneranger t1_jd9wrxs wrote

Small world, Splendor, Abalone are my top three.


00_Kamaji_00 t1_jda72qc wrote

Depends how many people you’re playing with. Wingspan, Obsession, Catan, Splendor for more than 2. Schotten Totten and Shobu when we have a one on one matchup.


Corey307 t1_jdadctx wrote

Drink red wine and take a nap.


CpSandwich t1_jdah9w2 wrote

Mansions of Madness if you enjoy cooperative story-based games. It can go on for hours and has high replayability. Perfect for winter in Vermont lol!


Beardly_Smith t1_jdajse5 wrote

Munchkin, Here to Slay, Cribbage, etc


Sparrows_Shadow t1_jdakqkd wrote

Catan, Stardew Valley BG, Everdell, and Isn't the Clever are me and my gf's go-tos.


HomeOnTheMountain_ t1_jdald4b wrote

For any board game nerds in this thread - PAX Unplugged (

My friends and I make a trip down to Philly every year for this and it's a lot of fun


Edit: FWIW - Wingspan is mentioned 15 times in this thread, Catan 10


ultimate_death2 t1_jdan0bb wrote

Deception murder in Hong Kong so fucking good bro


ScotsDale213 t1_jdaqkpn wrote

God ole risk never fails to make me, my sibling, and our father get unreasonably angry, I love it


Jerry_Williams69 t1_jdazqtw wrote

I have a 3 year old so:

  • High-Ho Cherry-O
  • Yeti in the Spaghetti
  • Barrel of Monkeys
  • Candy Land

kellogsmalone t1_jdc7yf8 wrote

Not technically a board game but mancala


jsolt t1_jdccn3u wrote

Mensch ärgere Dich nicht


deadowl t1_jde16t3 wrote

My favorite is called Survive!



F Bomb the Effing card game! There's no swearing in it surprisingly, it's just implied.