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NJoose t1_jb9jg8p wrote

Voids are the best 🖤


portersthumb OP t1_jb9spg7 wrote

Look, My cat and I live in a remote area. He is a working cat and goes outside. There is no more danger to him than there is any other working animal. He is neutered, and doesn't travel much further than the compost heap. I personally think keeping an animal indoors is cruel, but hey, that's just an opinion and don't take to the internet to force my opinion on others.


a_toadstool t1_jbabqce wrote

The problem with outdoor cats is their effect on local birds.


portersthumb OP t1_jbaieob wrote

The impact on birds in urban and suburban is drastic, I agree, but a cat in a rural area has no more impact than other predators.


Hipko75 t1_jbaurhv wrote

Based on what? Your subjective opinion They absolutely have a greater impact than “other predators” ask your game warden what’s worse.


portersthumb OP t1_jbb69tv wrote

Are you suggesting that house cats are more of a threat that the combined efforts of humans, snakes, OTHER BIRDS, snakes, coyote, chipmunks, dogs and deer?
Sit down.


Hipko75 t1_jbbd1kb wrote

Okay baby boy believe what you will, but objective environmental science would disagree.


portersthumb OP t1_jbbefmn wrote

Not going to engage someone who resorts to name calling. All the best to you and your strawman.


Hipko75 t1_jbbj0nh wrote

Projecting much? Lol I assume you’re a baby based off of how aggressive you felt to be. (Sit down? Cute.) and this subsequent reply confirms it. You’re wrong. Do better. Maybe take a nap


a_toadstool t1_jbal6th wrote

Fair. I’m not judging you. I agree that it’s probably fine in your situation but not for most others


JerryKook t1_jba56a0 wrote

Our late cat loved the outdoors. In the winter we would shovel a path for the dog & him to go outside. We made sure to give the cat paths to trees if needed.

I have a picture of my wife shoveling the path with the dog & cat standing behind her, watching her progress.


portersthumb OP t1_jbb6vc2 wrote

That sounds absolutely lovely, this fella like to dig his own paths. He's a total odd ball.


kellogsmalone t1_jbjg1xg wrote

They have to love their best loves too. Shoot, my buddy wants to go wandering. I know it's dangerous but, he loves his life. He comes home One day he might not. Way it goes. Wife had a tabby who loved to hunt. He'd bring back birds, rats, you name it. There was a marsh behind the house; hundreds of acres of land to hunt on. One day he just didn't come back. Rocky lived.


TFED666 t1_jb91tf0 wrote

keep your cats indoors


escobert t1_jb9c7zg wrote

When I saw a down-voted comment I knew it'd be this. Seriously, keep your cats indoors for their safety and other animals safety. There are more than enough psychos out there that enjoy running over cats and cats can have an impact on local wildlife. I say this as a lifetime cat owner, I love them to death but keep them inside.

EDIT: Things that can kill your cat outside: Cars, Dogs, Coyotes,Fox, Fishers, Owls, Hawks, Eagles, anti freeze and other poisons.

Your cat also kills things and not just mice or rats. Song birds and humming birds also are prey. If your cat is indoors it also can't help transmit the many cat carried illnesses. Also far less likely to get lyme disease.


drew13m t1_jb9ojsj wrote

Kinda cringe, mind yours. We are all animals, and we all live wildly different lives from each other, for any number of reasons that you apparently haven’t even bothered to consider.


TFED666 t1_jb9rm0m wrote

so youre for destroying the eco system? got it


drew13m t1_jbbcann wrote

Yup, my elderly cat catching .5 mice per year is wrecking havoc on the eco system, I’ll stop letting him outside to explore and enrich his mind


escobert t1_jbbgfqp wrote

My indoor cats kill several mice a year and if they were outside they'd be killing song birds and humming birds as well.


kellogsmalone t1_jbjftk0 wrote

He knows a good view when he sees one.


BandicootFlimsy3313 t1_jbefibu wrote

I love dogs and always had them growing up on the farm. I have never had one as an adult because I feel it is less cruel for the dog to not have existed than for him/her to spend their entire existence at the end of a leash or worse confined. What's the compassionate solution? No more cats and dogs? The fact that humans feel the need for 100% control over their environment and the creatures in it is an almost a laughable path to take and destined to failure. Shit we can't even make our own species to do the simplest thing like don't take fentanyl.