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immutable_truth t1_j8rlr0i wrote

If people want to see your posts they will join /r/politicsvermont. Not sure why you insist on cross posting every post you make there, here


Apprehensive_Pop_305 t1_j8rmpv0 wrote

I suppose they could just be negative karma farming, but I think there's a subreddit for that, too.


Eagle_Arm t1_j8rfy92 wrote

Possible to go more than a day without a fear mongering post that isn't about Vermont?


FearandLoathinginBTV t1_j8rf32n wrote

Maybe the VTGOP would do this…if they had any seats in the General Assembly lol. C’mon, basic math should’ve informed you that this can’t happen in VT due to our legislatures make up.

Sucks that this is happening elsewhere, but no need to be an alarmist here.


WhatTheCluck802 t1_j8rie6a wrote

And a goodly number of the existing Vermont Republicans are very decent humans. Yes there are a handful of jerk whackadoodle righties but they absolutely are the minority.

Rama needs to chill.


BillBikesInCleveland t1_j8rqx5a wrote

I haven't voted for a Republican since I voted for Voinovich for the Senate about 20 years ago in Ohio and I, too, think Rama needs to quit with this shit.


TheTowerBard t1_j8s1kpd wrote

Some would argue that anyone who is still a member of the Republican Party at this point is obviously fully embracing the ignorant hate and fascist politics that has become the Republican brand. You are the company you keep, after all. You don’t get to kick your feet up and claim to not be a part of something that you fully support with your vote.

This is also the biggest issue our society is dealing with. Tolerating far too much intolerance. You don’t have to take my word for it, folks like MLK and many others have been trying to get everyone to understand this for generations. Brush up on his thoughts about moderates in his letter from Birmingham jail.


ceiffhikare t1_j8z038b wrote

>And a goodly number of the existing Vermont Republicans are very decent humans

Well other than standing by the party of hatred. They are the crowds that cheer when the 'Radical' throws the nonconformist off the roof.

Most in this thread are the ones who walk by without a look cause it aint thier problem.


JodaUSA t1_j8xeujd wrote

It’s disappointing to see people responding to this with so much apathy and hatred…

We get it, vermont seems safe, but the democrats are maliciously incompetent across the union, not just the south and Midwest.

If you want to consider yourself a decent don’t get to choose to care about politics or not; if you want to be a good person you need to want the world to be better, and this apathy only benefits those who want the world to be worse.

Republicans aren’t going to stop radicalizing, they will only get more overtly fascistic.

This does affect vermont. Directly.


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j8v6cxb wrote

Jesus Christ dude. It’s almost embarrassing that you run for public office.


ceiffhikare t1_j8yze6r wrote

Not as embarrassing as it is to have Republicans elected to office in VT when the party champions the persecution of transgender folk across the nation. It has become the party of hate.


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j90wy8y wrote



ceiffhikare t1_j9119ow wrote

Well i suppose if their policies dont harm you or those you care about, that you know of, then i can see how you would think that way. Ignorance is bliss.


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j913a43 wrote

I think your ignorance that “republicans are the party of hate” is pretty hateful as well and just proves the problem with our two party system.


ceiffhikare t1_j9159qe wrote

Nah, i was raised as a christian conservative..i know how and what those self righteous SOB's think,lol. Even with more parties id still not stand with those who push for any theocratic influence on our society.


Reepergrimrim t1_j8z8icf wrote

As a parent, VT has been on the top if our list to flee to from our current state. We have been preparing.