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TheBrockSays t1_j8pgdm2 wrote

Is there a more overused phrase than "only in Vermont" for things that aren't that uncommon elsewhere?


gravywavves t1_j8prg4w wrote

True and/but I bet they do the same in other states haha


hideous-boy t1_j8px5dw wrote

yeah like when people say "if you don't like the weather in _________ just wait 5 minutes!"

people say that everywhere. Your weather is probably not that much quirkier than anywhere else


KingKababa t1_j8q5gqa wrote

It's quirkier than anywhere near the coast, that's for sure.


nomadicbohunk t1_j8px0to wrote

In my experience they say things like that a lot more here.


redvis5574 t1_j8rudmt wrote

Yeah propane drivers would never do that in Maine or NH so everyone just freezes all winter


tom_echo t1_j8soq8s wrote

In southern new england propane drivers would freak out and say they cant deliver. It seems to have happened a couple times in my life.