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HappilyhiketheHump t1_jaceu7f wrote

Including “Traditional” independent schools is really trying to thread the needle.

Unless subsidies to ALL private schools go away, the lawsuit will again be filed for discrimination and the state will lose. The court ruling was clear. States don’t have to provide subsidies to private schools, but if they do, they can’t discriminate.

To allow the traditional 4 academies to exist in this scheme, they need to become public school entities. If they continue as private entities, they should not receive public funds.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_jacfwc8 wrote

One side is people arguing that their religion should control education, the other side arguing that the government should and I don't trust either of them to have the best interest of the student at heart. The Vermont Independent schools provide a vastly superior education, not tied to the edicts of a higher power with dubious motives for the same cost as sending the kids to some rural shit hole public school. (For far less when you factor in you will have to build that rural shithole public school first). As long as they are following the law, leave them alone. They are spending that money better than the public schools are for better results for Vermont children.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_jaci587 wrote

Well said thanks! I have a child in one of these independent schools and this would ruin her. She's not typical and has skipped quite a few grades and really can only get the advanced education she has at a small school. We had to pull her out of public school years ago and now that shes in high school with school choice we can send her to a place best suited to her learning style. This will be hurting hundreds of children that don't even attend religious schools all in the name of anti-religion and attempts to defy a Supreme Court order. Sore losers causing massive collateral damage in their quest.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_jacgj1s wrote

Sadly I think they have an out. They will argue that the districts could choose an independent or religious school as one of the three they will be allowed to send kids to. That way they can say they are not discriminating specifically.

Not to mention all the kids that would be harmed in my district from this there is a more insidious issue here and it's one of basic respect for the courts and our legal system. No matter what side you are on here the SCOTUS ruled on this case and the state is trying to circumvent that ruling with this legislation which to me seems wrong. Sorry but this reminds me of the election deniers in a way. Take the loss and move on.