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[deleted] t1_j8mviov wrote

Unfortunately, the State is introducing legislation that aims to take away individual towns rights to implement their own zoning laws. Also, the nuances of Act 250 allow for a lot more triggers than only lot amounts/ sizes. Most of the politicians that control Act 250 and Zoning regs, both municipal and at State level, are not qualified to be making any judgements on environmental protections and development: It is especially in that regard that I think our processes need reform. Too many unqualified people are able to access and manipulate well-intentioned rules/guidelines beyond what they were originally intended for, without proper vetting.

EDIT: I don't think your post should be getting downvoted o08: You make some good points and it seems like we are having a healthy discussion. Usually folks are just screaming at each other in here, so Thank you for the pleasant dialogue! :)