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goodbyewindshield t1_j8ei3fw wrote

I'm not an expert but I guess there probably isn't much overlap between Vermonters on Reddit and Vermonters who are out on the ice


GreenPL8 t1_j8ekpwq wrote

I may be in the minority but it's not like I'm going to fall through th-


DirtyBirdNJ t1_j8esxkn wrote

I am that overlap. Not all of the people ice fishing are casually disregarding safety, but no ice is safe either. Failure is always an option prepare for the worst.


Essarray t1_j8fe5yl wrote

The youngest of these three was 62. I'm gonna say age is more of a factor in the lack of overlap. The ice fishing subs and FB groups actually stay kind of busy.


Loudergood t1_j8fsvo5 wrote

You clearly have seen the skater and kiters out near the sandbar.