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Hiram508 t1_j8bz1of wrote

First off, when numbers Are actually compared, CO2 levels actually don't mean shit. Actual data shows temperature has remained the same. Unaltered data showed that from 1890's to the 1980's, the Earth temperature remained the same. That was actual scientific studies. Then, they altered the data to fit the narrative.

Second, ever hear of Carl Sagan's history of the planet stretched out onto a calendar year? Given the billions of years that the planet is. Mankind, in all of his existence arrives in the last couple of minutes for the year. Now, meaning Mankind shows up at December 31st at 11:59 and 45 seconds. Now, break that down to the Industrial Revolution and forward, we are just about 1.5 seconds compared to the actual age of the planet.

Now, however, Mankind can destroy the planet in mere seconds with a Nuclear War. Aside from that, one volcano eruption outputs more CO2 than what Mankind does in one year.

Want to know what scares me more? That, we are the closest we have ever been to complete annihilation do to a Nuclear War than I ever remember. We have a Corrupt Asshole sitting in the White House. Hell bent to get us into WW3 to protect himself and other politicians on both sides from everyone knowing their corrupt secrets. There are certain people on both parties that have been funneling money through Ukraine. Their families getting rich from that corrupt country. And, no one is protesting. We are virtually on the cusp of WW3 and where are the young people protesting? I turn 60 this week. Never had any kids. But, my God, anyone and everyone in their 30's and below should be in the streets protesting. Your World is About to be destroyed by our Corrupt, dementia filled of a President and yet there is no whisper of a protest? Where do you think this Ukraine thing is heading to? Just more involvement by the US, with no clear strategy laid out. As we send more equipment over, it just commits the US further in. Again, with no winning strategy or goal in mind. Then, before, anyone realizes it, we are completely in WW3. Only outcome of that war is all out Nuclear War. And with it, the end of ALL LIFE ON THIS PLANET! IF you truly believe all that false data about so climate change, how come your not out there protesting against dementia Biden?,And, corrupt and too old Sanders? They are leading you, me and everyone else to extinction. Yet, not a word. No protests. No shouting out about how you want to live. Until you shout out to the true enemies, until then, your words are meaningless. Until then and only then, they are words from fools. For they enemy is right before you. And you ignore him because your pride tells you so. Only, it will be too late by the time you realize your senseless pride was wrong. And, the true destruction of this planet was Biden and those who foolishly allowed him to be in power to do so. Need only look at yourself in the mirror as seconds count down for Mankind.


VermontZerg t1_j8dhj25 wrote

Oh that answers it, you're on that side of the political spectrum so you have been totally brainwashed.


BrittaVT t1_j8e0l7z wrote

Wow. That's some crazy nonsense. 🥴 Time to loosen the tinfoil hat and retweak the antennas.