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slow-poke-rodriguez t1_j91mp9d wrote

I hunt with my dog, albeit for birds (mostly grouse) not big game or anything like that. It’s one of my dog’s greatest joys in life (maybe me too). I hunt on public land or private land with permission, even though permission is not needed if it’s not posted. She stays within 100 yards of me. I try to be as respectful as possible to others and their property. I support people upholding their traditions, doing what they love etc., however I do not appreciate the entitlement of some of these folks, it’s not everyone, heck, it’s probably a small minority but the bad apples can be the most visible and irritating to others. It makes us all look bad and legislation has been introduced in various states because of this, that calls to ban all dog hunting.

Some people are just going to be anti hunting across the board but I guess what I’m trying to convey to non-hunters is that we’re not all douche bags, but also to other dog hunters: don’t fuck it up for the rest of us.


RandolphCarter15 t1_j91qqdi wrote

Your last sentence is key. It's up to hunters to keep their tradition responsible, not the rest of us to deal with the irresponsible ones.


zoolilba OP t1_j91q7tx wrote

The out of control dog hunters are ruining it for other hunters. By not respecting others property it makes people just post it. So people like you can't use it. It happens in Maine. People dump their trash or ride ATVs off approved trails and people post the property because they are sick of the disrespect. And rightfully so. But respectable hunters and satv/snowmobilers pay the price


lantonas t1_j92laj9 wrote

> People dump their trash or ride ATVs off approved trails and people post the property

Believe it or not it is already illegal to both dump trash and ride ATVs on other people's property.


zoolilba OP t1_j95rs1c wrote

Just because it's illegal doesn't mean people won't do it


lantonas t1_j95u24r wrote

I'm sure some yellow signs will stop them!


HeadPen5724 t1_j95z3fb wrote

Can you please tell that to the people trying to push more gun control laws. Thanks


alfonseski t1_j93wrkp wrote

I am not a hunter or was a brought up hunting. Yet I respect everything you said. If people want to responsibly follow their passions, whatever that might be, I applaud them for it. I am a bit wary of dogs though since I have been bit before. So I understand the trepidation of the original post.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_j91rgco wrote

I had family use bloodhounds for tracking and cornering. Really isn’t that big of a deal, unfortunately you have a group of mentally ill purple haired freaks from out of state that are vehemently against rural culture here.

Even though the dogs not actively attacking the animal more so just barking and corralling these people will swear back and forth that you’re torturing bear cubs or some shit.

Frankly, I think it’s an integral part of our culture up here and also who tf wants to jump in freezing water to retrieve a duck or bird? It’s almost like dog breeds with “Retriever” in its name was bred to bring back game lol


PorkchopFunny t1_j91xk9m wrote

Born and raised rural VT'er that grew up with hunting dogs on the farm so not a purple haired freak out of stater here. My 68 year old life-long hunter dad is very much against what hunting with dogs has become in this state. Unfortunately a few bad apples does ruin the bunch. My parents still farm in the NEK and have had to deal with rude, disrespectful "hunters" and poorly trained dogs that harass livestock, traipse through the yard right next to the house, and lazy ass hunters that drive through fields to follow dogs because walking I guess is too difficult these days. And for the deer hunters, the innards left right near grazing fields that attract coyotes when fall lambs are still young. Hunting "culture" has changed and although you can argue its just a few, it's enough that people just don't want to deal with it anymore. After 200+ years of the family farm being open, my parents started posting 10 or so years ago. It sucks, but they're getting too old and tired to deal with the crap and the picking up garbage. And before mentioning out of staters, I'm pretty sure that most of this is local folks as they are pretty off the beaten path.


biologistbailey- t1_j98lz8s wrote

Vermonter here. Not mentally ill and purple haired, and I still think what you do is disgusting. I also have two rescue Labrador’s that were treated like crap. Guess what? They live a perfectly happy life on my couch and bed. They are 12. Grow up and get a life other than killing other animals. Those ducks will do just fine without you. You are grotesque.