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ReasonableLiving5958 t1_j9liiis wrote

Fun fact: The line of traffic in Stowe actually reaches all the way to the ACTUAL Rocky Mountains


conabegame1 t1_j9m5mw9 wrote

This is what happens when people learn where the Ben and Jerry’s factory is


sleepfordayz679 t1_j9msdg9 wrote

Where does it meet with Little Cottonwood's line of traffic? Somewhere in Iowa?


tadamhicks t1_j9qolzg wrote

You people have obviously never tried to drive I-70 from Denver on a pow day


sleepfordayz679 t1_j9qqruo wrote

What are you talking about? Never any traffic in Colorado, everyone should go there! /s


Aqualung317 t1_j9nhbc2 wrote

Where tf is trapps?! Whooo look at that tree! Is that a painted cow! How many cases of heady topper should we get?


vttale t1_j9pl9a5 wrote

"Why don't you move to Stowe?" "NO, because Route 100."

(Plus, I apparently never even refer to it because I just had to teach it to Swype.)