Submitted by RamaSchneider t3_10zivff in vermont

Vermont's Republicans, well some of them at least, will crawl out of the woodwork to assure us that although they hang out with and have political alliances with the vile, violent, racist, authoritarian Republican Party ... well, the VTGOP will say something like "Yeah, we hang out with them all the time, but we're not like them at all."

If you buy that line then you probably thought it was hyperbole when folks like me told you the Republican Party will take away a woman's right to bodily autonomy.

Don't let them sneak up on with all the rest. Phil Scott's freely chosen political party is out to destroy our American democracy. You can act now and put a stop to this crap, or you can wait and react after the fact (but a fact it is).



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RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j83nizw wrote

I will never vote for any republican again. I absolutely hate that my choice has been taken away. In the past in Vermont, I voted for people, good people, that were republicans. I didn't vote a straight democratic line because I didn't have to. This is what the orange monster and his party have done to this country. The republicans are taking ALL our choices away as well as our rights.


mscameron77 t1_j854vtv wrote

Can you be specific? I don’t follow politics closely and I am unaware of any rights I have lost and definitely want to know.


RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j855l0n wrote

I was being too general I guess. I meant republicans everywhere. They are doing their utmost to take rights away from minorities and women.


RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j855pvy wrote

I think that if you call yourself a republican now you have aligned yourself with these monsters.


cpujockey t1_j8ru18n wrote

yeah lincoln was totally a monster.


RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j8rxa7t wrote

Lol. Honey republicans AND democrats have changed their allegiances quite a bit since Lincoln's time. They are not the same parties.


bobsizzle t1_j856s73 wrote

What rights are being taken away from minorities? Is there something that minorities can no longer do that white people still can?


RoyalIndependence500 t1_j86fa1o wrote

In over 20 states in the US GLBTQ people can still be fired, lose their housing and health care for being gay. Every single one of those states is run by Republicans. Over 300 laws are being proposed in Republican states to deny trans citizens health care and access to gender affirming g treatment. Education is under attack that addresses systemic racism and minority representation. Educate yourself.


bobsizzle t1_j89wrgd wrote

Sexual orientation is a protected class. You can't legally be fired because of it. That's federal. Which overrides state law.

And law's regarding healthcare, particularly children, are the same. The law doesn't allow any children to undergo those surgeries, in those states. Or am I wrong about that? Whether they identify as trans or not. You're still not being specific and if there are specific laws in those states that say a gay person can be fired, in law or if it's just in practice, the federal courts would side with them. It is illegal to deny someone a job or housing , as the fair housing act protects them as well.

And education should focus on necessary skills. No rights are being taken away. Education is supposed to be equal. Everyone should have the opportunity to learn the same thing. Taking away someones right to education would be not allowing Black kids in school. Or not allowing them to attend a school with white's. Or not giving them the same curriculum as white people. Deciding not to teach everyone something added, is not denying anyone their rights. That's a different argument about what you think students should be taught. That's an argument worth having. But it is not the same as denying anyone's federally protected rights.


RoyalIndependence500 t1_j8arldf wrote

You are correct about the 2020 Supreme Court decision protecting GLBTQ citizens from being fired. I had forgotten about that. I do know hundred of laws have been and are targeting trans people and the GLBTQ community regarding education. And I strongly disagree that education should not be about history, cultural groups and civil discourse. Education is not only about training workers. It’s teaching about teaching people how we as a society got to where we are and how we can address the serious social, environmental and economic issues that we face today.


cpujockey t1_j8rua1x wrote

WTF IS GLBTQ? I thought it was LGBTQ, or LGBTQIA+?

look, I am just a bisexual PoC VT republican and I am just trying to figure out what the hell is going on in here.


BudsKind802 t1_j86jbq8 wrote

Minorities have been purged off voter roles in multiple states, even for skipping voting in only one election, and aren't notified about it. Poling places in poor and minority communities have been closed, forcing them to find a way to get to a far away voting place, and then Georgia passed a bill that made it illegal to give these people who have been standing in line for hours even a bottle of water even in 100 degree weather. I'm guessing you've never had to wait more than 10 minutes to check in to vote, but I have relatives who have waited for hours in the South, while white areas have no such waits. I won't even get into the voter intimidation of voters in cities, in the name of looking out for voter fraud. I ask you, since 2016, how many provable instances of voter fraud were there? I'll give you a hint, the convictions were almost all Trump voters voting twice or more.

LGBT teachers aren't even allowed to mention their significant other in class without falling afoul of "Don't say Gay" laws in Florida, while straight teachers are freely able to talk about their wives or husbands.

All of these are easily verifiable with a very quick Google search.


bobsizzle t1_j8a0tb6 wrote

I agree that voting should be made easier. For everyone. But I do agree IDs should be required. Politicians have long Jerry rigged elections, that's not new or even just a republican thing. Whether it's counting Dead people in votes or redrawing districts to suit your party. There should be an even amount of polling stations, based on population density. That would solve a lot of those problems. There are problems in the way elections are handled.

I'm actually someone who's lived down south and many other places and am well aware of politicians finding legal ways to abuse the system. Term limits would be nice, but I don't see anyone calling for that. Neither party. Everyone in Congress is a corrupt piece of crap. Nancy pelosi Acts pious, but her husband seems to be one of the greatest stock traders out there. Or it's because his wife has a high position in Congress so he has knowledge of things days or week's before the public. Same with the rest of Congress. Anyone who doesn't want term limits In Congress is corrupt. But that's beside the point.

I have actually had to wait to vote. Much longer then 10 minutes, but not too often because I usually live in rural communities or small towns. And yes, in white areas, I've had long waits, especially in elections with larger then expected turnouts.

I am certain there is fraud in every election. But I've never seen wide spread fraud. Not in recent memory anyway. But if there was, you might not hear about it in an environment of censorship. Hunter Bidens laptop was evidence of censorship. But I'd still agree there probably wasn't a widespread fraud to get a demented joe Biden elected. I think that was more people voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Which is still ridiculous. Why can't there actually be good candidates? There rarely are. It's just power hungry and corrupt people.

And I don't think any teacher should be talking about their personal life in class. I don't think I ever once heard anything about my teachers relationships, family, nothing. I don't mind them banning that, but if they do for LGBTQ teachers, it should be for everyone. Teachers should just be teaching kids about math and science and reading and the typical, necessary things. But again, it's not a right to be able to teach kids anything outside of a curriculum. I don't want kids learning religion in school either.


SemperFuu t1_j83oobi wrote

This is Vermont not Florida…


jsudarskyvt t1_j840ymc wrote

The facts are this:

A Vote for the GOP is a Vote against Democracy.


cpujockey t1_j8rulch wrote

Yeah Lincoln was a terrible republican! Think of the horror of the Gettysburg address! THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING TYRANY! /s

Look the national platform is full of idiots. For the most part VT repub-tards are ok.


jsudarskyvt t1_j8t1use wrote

The GOP platform is full of fascists, conspiracy theorists, climate deniers, and fucking lying POS's.


cpujockey t1_j8t3nxl wrote

keep going!


jsudarskyvt t1_j8t7vc4 wrote

Fine. I omitted previously these other GOP attributes required for membership:

misogynist, racist, greedy, ignorant, cheating, vote-suppressing, elitist, child -molesting, anti-science, regressive, anti-vaxing scumbags.

Get the gist yet?


cpujockey t1_j8t8j0c wrote

i do not possess any of those traits.


jsudarskyvt t1_j8t9hsx wrote

Sadly you have no future in congress then.


cpujockey t1_j8ta1qg wrote

I wish not to be in congress. Where I wish to be is in my garage making guitars for musicians who will make beautiful music with them.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_j83oha2 wrote

You act like democrats are any better. Like two lawyers getting lunch together during court recess, they're all buddies behind the scene.


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_j83p4zn wrote

I mean, democrats have their faults but shit, have you seen some of the people in the GOP and what they've been trying to pass these days?? Where are the MTG's, Desantis's, and Matt Gaetz's of the Democratic party?


BudsKind802 t1_j8563hb wrote

One party is putting forth solutions to actual issues facing our country, no matter how well or poorly conceived.

The other party is obsessed with fighting a culture war and even when fully in charge has only given massive tax cuts to the rich and kept dark skinned immigrants out of the country while otherwise trying to bend or break the laws that uphold the free institutions that preserve our democracy in the name of trying to stay in power permanently.

Both sides indeed.


cpujockey t1_j8ruure wrote

> One party is putting forth solutions to actual issues facing our country, no matter how well or poorly conceived.

yes - but the ends do not always justify the means.

> The other party is obsessed with fighting a culture war

both parties are guilty of that.

> has only given massive tax cuts to the rich and kept dark skinned immigrants out of the country while otherwise trying to bend or break the laws that uphold the free institutions that preserve our democracy in the name of trying to stay in power permanently.

Yep - cages started with Obama, Wall with trump, and more cages with biden. Partisan politics never change.

as you said - both sides indeed.


SemperFuu t1_j83pzlk wrote

The GOP would say the squad. We need a stronger independent party! Yeah I’m that guy lol


AvianQuill t1_j83vjy3 wrote

The GOP may compare their MAGA GOP members to “the squad” but that would be the very definition of a false equivalency.


SemperFuu t1_j83vmss wrote

They both suck. Get in loser where growing the independent party


AvianQuill t1_j83vwe0 wrote

I don’t disagree … Bernie FTW


cpujockey t1_j8rv1wj wrote

> I don’t disagree … Bernie FTW

I have always liked bernie. He's always been consistent. I don't agree with his ideology but he always has my vote for the great work he did in burlington as mayor.


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_j83sbfy wrote

I kinda figured. To me, "wokeness" is more tolerable than the repulsive behavior I see from GOP members, but I guess that's just a matter of opinion.

Right there with ya as far as independents go. Two party system ain't working. I mean really we just need good candidates, I don't give a shit what party they affiliate with.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_j83s06k wrote

I'm all for a more prominent independent party!! Two party "rule" just isn't working anymore.


SemperFuu t1_j83s4yl wrote

Preach! Bipartisanship means we don’t get a choice.


mscameron77 t1_j8555se wrote

I think there are a lot of us that feel that way but the two party system makes us feel hopeless and we pick the lesser of two evils, which is pretty tough these days.


cpujockey t1_j8ruws5 wrote

> We need a stronger independent party!

agreed. I hate aligning myself with republicans.


RamaSchneider OP t1_j83rm52 wrote

Sure, that's what they DO say, but is it real?

Whatever your views of their politics, that is your view which you are as entitled to hold as they are theirs. What they have never done is instigate violence against others or a violent, riotous coup on 01/06/21 that that almost succeeded.

I can and do and will always work with and around others with who I have some fundamental disagreements. One of the hard lines I draw is at violence in favor of democracy.

So, the GOP would say "the squald". What would you say?


mscameron77 t1_j855uka wrote

Wait, are you under the impression that it would be possible to overthrow the US government (or even hinder it in any way) by those idiots trashing the Capitol building?


SemperFuu t1_j83rw1o wrote

ilhan omar is pretty radical and is publicly antisemitic


ArkeryStarkery t1_j84aw2f wrote

This is a myth based on a single out of context quote. One of Breitbart's strongest wins.


ArkeryStarkery t1_j84awxn wrote

This is a myth based on a single out of context quote. One of Breitbart's strongest wins.


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j86wt5k wrote

You independents don't stand for anything and just like the liberals it's why you get know where with the core voting demographic of this country.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j84j1jw wrote

I am a life long democrat, and there have been several members of the party that are off the rails.

MTG - Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Matt Gaetz - Anthony Weiner

You don’t have to look long to find a Democrat who is bat shit crazy. Crazy people have never been a one-sided thing. That being said, the current batch of Republicans do seem to have more air time.


BudsKind802 t1_j879s0l wrote

Politics seems to attract the very worst we have to offer.

The difference between Gaetz and Weiner is that the Dems forced the sex pest out.

Who's the left equivalent of George Santos?


cpujockey t1_j8rv7ls wrote

> MTG - Debbie Wasserman Schultz > Matt Gaetz - Anthony Weiner

you managed to list all the politicians I find reprehensible. Have an updoot.


bobsizzle t1_j857zxr wrote

Some of that is actually the fault of the democratic party. They were funneling money to crazy Republicans in order to give the democratic candidate a better chance. It might have backfired a few times if the crazy one still got elected over their democratic candidate.

And you have crazy democrats. Maybe you just don't think they're crazy because you like their views. Someone who favors transitioning children might not like certain republicans. Someone who disagrees with that, might not like the democrat who supports it. Some people think Bernie is crazy. Apparently, even in the party he caucuses with. The democrats kneecapped him twice. Joe Biden is a documented liar with a history of racist comments and they still preferred him over Bernie. That should show who really runs the country. it's the wealthy.


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_j88v9m4 wrote

Then there's also the distorted view each side has of the other- as in the case of "democrats transitioning children". Who exactly is a proponent of transitioning children?

Like I said, I just want decent candidates. Half the problem is we cling to this tribe mentality of being a part of one party or the other. It's the same thing that drives people to stick with one sports team over another. Tribalism. It's bullshit.

I try to avoid that thinking, which is why I generally vote blue but will still vote for Phil Scott, because he's halfway decent. I don't care that much that he's a republican, so long as he doesn't act like the others.


RamaSchneider OP t1_j83q4oc wrote

Only one major political party in the United States is currently:

- Actively removing non-preferred history and science from our children's education

- Actively forcing preferred religion into our public interactions

- Actively forcing us to accept more deadly guns on our streets

- Actively insisting on more uses for those deadly guns in our social and political interactions

- Actively undermining our democratic institutions, processes and values

- Actively refusing to do anything that might be remotely in any way sorta kinda confused with working with President Biden

- and more


GMbzzz t1_j84ihqg wrote

The fact that you’re getting downvoted for stating facts is depressing.


RamaSchneider OP t1_j84nun2 wrote

It's okay, they're stuck with thinking about what I wrote.


PromiseNorth t1_j84ufdr wrote

She’s getting downvoted due to lack of credibility from recent activity, reputation, past posts, and conflations, bad arguments and divisiveness. Even if the arguments are on point she’s basically gone so far left she’s spun around right and is borderline condoning political violence. No solutions or ideas are presented just hate and vitriol. Remind you if anyone? RamaTrump 2024


cpujockey t1_j8rvdyr wrote

I assumed Rama was a dude. Every Rama I met during my time as an H1B Staffing Firm IT guy was a dude.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_j83rs1c wrote

LOL keep spreading those talking points.. Both parties want us divided. Just remember, NEITHER party ever gets anything worthwhile done.


Human802 t1_j83w5re wrote

That rhetoric is just normalized irresponsibility. Saying both parties are the same is lazy nonsense, just say “I am not brave enough to take a stand”

And this isn’t some praise of the Democratic Party, plenty to criticize from them, but saying they are both the same is lazy bullshit.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j88juro wrote

Over 20 bills passed in the last 2 years all having far reaching impact on all of our lives. Be informed and you’ll never look like an ass online. Stay misinformed and wonder why your family and friends hate you.


SemperFuu t1_j83oqz4 wrote

It’s like guys who think the stripper likes them. Hint they don’t, they just want your money.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j88jnzv wrote

Hey look everyone. It’s one of those both sides fuckers.


roborob11 t1_j877wkv wrote

You act like you don’t give a crap about democracy.


ceiffhikare t1_j84rsc8 wrote

It is the same apologist BS we see with major religions, There are always the 'good' ones that are held up as beards for the broken/power-mongers who exploit the systems they live within. Do i wish the GOP was full of Scott's? yeah that would be an improvement but unless they reversed course and started making their much esteemed Capitalism work for the common person regardless of ones skills or grit or what-have-you/exploitability id still vote for Democrats generally speaking.


anusty t1_j86ukay wrote

You’re really no different than any other racist hating on someone because of their identity. Guilt by association, eh…Democrats have a terrible documented history, but that doesn’t mean all democrats are Klan member.


Imadethisuponthespot t1_j8cm3bx wrote

Bullshit!! That’s a terrible false equivalency!!

Political ideologies and affiliations are a personal choice. Race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc, are not choices.


anusty t1_j8ek600 wrote

Doesn’t change narrative of “be like me or you’re wrong” does it?


Imadethisuponthespot t1_j8emqn4 wrote

Yes. It totally does.


anusty t1_j8f1pgy wrote

Only with whatever math you’re using for logic. Stereotyping is stereotyping and a precursor to unfair bias and, ultimately, discrimination. That said, you have and should enjoy the right to your perspective and opinions, at least until the real Nazis take over.


Imadethisuponthespot t1_j8f4hoj wrote

So, stereotyping actual Nazis and racists who willingly choose that ideology, to you, is the same thing as stereotyping black people or Jewish people who are born into those communities. That’s what you’re saying.


anusty t1_j8ffaai wrote

No, I just said Nazi’s, fascists, dictators, call ‘em whatever you want. How about tyrants…you think like them or suffer the consequences.


jstockdi t1_j83lkpz wrote

I trusted a republican once... Come in the water is fine, they said. Then the piranhas ate my shorts.

Now I have no shorts.


cpujockey t1_j8rvipm wrote

> Now I have no shorts.

now you have no balls. Piranhas eat flesh, not clothing.


Mntnrunner516 t1_j8448if wrote

Look... I know you have good intentions, and I agree with a lot of your assessment, but I honestly think you need to take a break and focus on your mental health. I'm a leftist, but your behavior is honestly starting to scare me a bit.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j84f657 wrote

Phil Scott has been consistently fiscally conservative and socially liberal. He has even actively spoken out against what his party is getting up to. Click bait gets you nowhere my friend.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j88k615 wrote

Except he keeps vetoing popular social bills that get passed. Luckily the majority Dems can veto his veto but he’s just not doing things for the average Vermonter. He’s doing things for his party.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j892hve wrote

He keeps vetoing unfunded and/or deficit spending popular social bills. Bit different than just swinging the Republican veto hammer.


ojhatsman t1_j84it7t wrote

Fiscally conservative just means he clutches his pearls at the thought of helping poor people and minorities. It’s not a good thing.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_j869v1a wrote

Daily reminder republicans fought against unconstitutional forced shutdowns and vaccine mandates.


vtmtct t1_j84scwm wrote

Let me paraphrase; “If everyone doesn’t agree with me they are vile, violent and racist. And if you think we can just agree to disagree and stand by idly then you are complicit”

Pretty sure if you had your way you would be the violent authoritarian my friend. You might feel better if you ate some humble pie, got out of your bubble and try to meet some people. You will find a lot of different perspectives but one important thing in common; we are all just humans doing the best we can. Compassion and love for each other, even in the face of hatred is the way.


memorytheatre t1_j866jyo wrote

>Pretty sure if you had your way you would be the violent authoritarian my friend.



whatsupbudbud t1_j86dizw wrote

Lol yea. I don't agree with the national GOP but Phill Scott is the epitome of RINO.

He also has the highest approval rating of any governor in the United States. He's done a good job and denoced the curret GOP shitfest.

I don't get people who hate people soley based on their affiliation. It doesn't mean Scott is MTG if Desantos decides to be a dick.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j88k17s wrote

If he’s such a Rino then why doesn’t he just switch party affiliation?


VTPeWPeW247 t1_j89w1al wrote

Down vote this attention seeking POS.


EscapedAlcatraz t1_j83qrss wrote

Check the expiration date on your meds.


PromiseNorth t1_j83u53k wrote

Expiration dates are a Republican construct.

  1. The R’s get 28% of their campaign contributions from pharma.
  2. The Republican police state will use their tactical bloated para military police to arrest you at prescription drug return centers. And track you if you don’t wear a tinfoil hat.
  3. They only reduce in potency by 1% every millennial.
  4. Derp

PromiseNorth t1_j83vim5 wrote

That’s my best Ramanschneider virtuous outrage impression pre coffee. She’s not helping expose and course correct Ron the grooming Fascist, only adds fuel to the Republican 🔥


Beardly_Smith t1_j86vluh wrote

Wrong subreddit, knobhead. By the way I think it's hilarious you're saying the republicans are trying to destroy democracy when your the one flinging crap at the man Vermont democratically chose to govern us.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_j863gjd wrote

Hey OP, I think you have some misconceptions about Vermont republicans so as someone whose Voted republican in this state for 6 years let me paint you a picture of my day to day life so you can visualize that we’re not all bad people and are actually quite normal!

I wake up at about 6:30Am, I jump out of bed and salute the nazi flag 7 times. I then proceed to go my cabinet and grab my unfair-trade coffee created by exploiting BIPOC communities in central Africa. It’s those first divine sips that paints a lucid picture of an unwilling child laborer being forced to work 16hours a day. God bless

I hop in my shower and use environmentally unfriendly soaps and conditioners that use micro plastics that are released into our local water supply. Heh cry some more libtards! Step out of the shower making sure to use all the hot water before my wife so she can face the stark cold reality of what us white men face on the daily( we are the most repressed race) I then demand she make me a breakfast of only industrialized farm raised beef and pork. The enviormental impact and the suffering of the animals make me ponder on the successes of what a grand free market country we are.

After some quick banter with the wife and our innumerable belligerent children discussing mainly the positive sides of eugenics, I hop in my Ford F-350 super duty. Dually, Cummins super max engine and no catalytic converter. Straight piped to make as much noise as possible and bully bars in the front to run over climate protestors. Rip the whip going 65 in a 25. Being sure to roll coal on any person with an lgbtqi+ flag on their lawn or cyclist.

Finally get to the job site. Spend my time arguing people on r/politics and shitposting on /pol/ (where the real news is) I then hop back in my truck, crush the obligatory 6pack of miller before I come home.

I walk through the door slightly tipsy. I notice my wife hasn’t taken child #14 to his mandated militia training. I become furious and ask her if she is intentionally trying to turn my beautiful child liberal CUCK!? either way we start throwing hands, but due to my 5’01 frame she quickly overpowers me.

She then cooks me a meal again made of dairy only farmed by illegal migrants. We then proceed to talk about how every problem ever created was solely invented by democrats and George soros.

We put the kids to sleep by playing them Trump Audio clips and then proceed to drift off in our Trump 2024 blanket in the back of our double wide trailer.

Does it make Sense now?


PromiseNorth t1_j8755az wrote

Baha ha ha well done sir! Try to make time in your busy day for some Fox News and while shitting out your Miller & pork rinds spend a minute on truth social.


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j86wjyw wrote

This sub is absolutely unhinged sometimes.

One day you'll realize that it doesn't matter. Left wing, right wing, they're both attached to the same bird.

Say what you want about hyperbole but in the last 40 years it's democrats who've ruled the roost in this state and we've been inundated with scandal after scandal. Make of that what you will, but enough with this line in the sand BS. It takes all kinds of kinds inpolitics and to say one said is morally superior to the other is just foolish.


anusty t1_j8fohtg wrote

Vilification of people with differing perspectives and the inability of many people to simply agree to disagree without being hateful is symptomatic of where the country is in its evolution.


GimmieJohnson t1_j83uq72 wrote

This ain't it chief. You wanna move the country forward stop doing the same shit the other side does and stop it with the divisive bullshit. Focus on what party you vote for can do better. Mud slinging doesn't get you far.


newenglandsouth t1_j84qcsu wrote

Which right and choice has been taken away by Republicans?


floodurbasement t1_j859gam wrote

How far do you want to go back? And in what states?

Should we include weakening epa protections for dumping chemicals into waterways? Should we include limiting abortion rights even in the case of risk of death to the mothers? Should we include the patriot act and the prism Program that allow government agencies to spy on you without a formal warrant? Should we include the ability to shoot to kill people you perceive to be robbing your neighbours house?

Northern republicans should really go south and see what the health care and standard of living is like IMO. The same people who decry white men having it so bad would be shocked to realize that as a working age male you’re entitled to zero protections down there for medical and very little unemployment. Probably this is why the crime rates are so high in the cities of red states.

Source: Texan that moved to vermont.


newenglandsouth t1_j86qy5c wrote

EPA protections - I’m not sure specifically to which protections you are referring, but I can say restricting anything to the point where it is impractical or impossible to sustain does not work until a viable alternative is available.

Abortion - there is no right. No one has a right to kill an innocent human being.

Patriot Act and the Prism Program - I agree with you on this one although Democrats didn’t exactly fight either one and extend state surveillance to healthcare and finances.

Shoot to kill someone you think is robbing your neighbor’s house - this is a new one to me, but I like the idea if you determine the person is actually robbing your neighbor’s house.

Healthcare - this is not a right. Everyone’s health is their own responsibility. Everyone gets sick and everyone dies. Some people have more health issues than others. It isn’t fair - it is just the way it is.

Unemployment - this is not a right either. Bad things happen. Plan for it as best you can - make your own unemployment fund and grow it over time.

Crime rates - crime rates are highest nationally in progressive cities and in states with the most restrictive gun regulations and laws.


debunk_this_12 t1_j84et2s wrote

You guys are really delusional. Stop watching/reading the news they are programming u so that u hate the other side, while they fuck u and everyone else over.


floodurbasement t1_j858egl wrote

Remember when the republicans tried to take away the ACA in its entirety.. preexisting condition protections too.. they’re actively trying to create the “death panels” they railed against in the Obama years.


debunk_this_12 t1_j85lnlc wrote

Remember when Obama deported more immigrants than any president in history? Remember the 20+ year war in Afghanistan that spanned across multiple administrations and across party lines? Remember that Nancy polosi and Mitch McConnell have outperformed warren buffet in the market by acting on insider information? Remember that Obama’s cabinet was populated by Goldman Sachs board of executives?


floodurbasement t1_j85mqba wrote

Yeah, The establishment neolib Dems aren’t great. They’re a center right party by global standards. That doesn’t change the fact that the present day republicans are totally off the deep end. Radical regressive policies that are pushing a Christian theocracy as policy. Hell they just put Marjory Taylor green on committee.. the woman who thinks Jewish space lasers are a thing. The woman who denies 9/11 happened. She’s on the homeland security committee.

The both sides are the same argument only furthers the ability to destroy what’s left of American democracy and ideals. 🤷‍♂️


debunk_this_12 t1_j84e6dx wrote

You guys are really delusional. Stop watching/reading the news they are programming u so that u hate the other side, while they fuck u and everyone else over.


debunk_this_12 t1_j84e898 wrote

You guys are really delusional. Stop watching/reading the news they are programming u so that u hate the other side, while they fuck u and everyone else over.
