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VTMike1029 t1_j82ag7j wrote

It isn't only on 89 it is everywhere people are just way more pissed off while driving. I had one younger guy tailgate me all the way off of the Montpelier exit flashing his lights and flipping me off apparently doing the speed limit wasn't fast enough. I don't like confrontation but I was thinking of stopping to say something. My other thought was if I stop I'm probably going to get shot because no one uses their fists to fight anymore they just resort to gun play.


DrSpagetti t1_j82g6fv wrote

Best thing to do is pull off to the side and let them pass. Then go on about your day.


VTMike1029 t1_j82k81m wrote

I usually do if they're in that much of a hurry go ahead I don't care. On that exit ramp there isn't enough room to pull off to let someone go by otherwise I would have