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a_toadstool t1_j7qtwqy wrote

I’m seeing the flu. Currently have it and I almost hit a 103 degree fever


polarbearrape t1_j7quuxx wrote

Well, I don't think people being poisoned is the problem but we could look into it.


verifiedboomer t1_j7qvj93 wrote

Anecdotally: my wife and I are just getting over it in Orange County.


seanner_vt2 t1_j7qwkkk wrote

Central Vt, just had it go through the office. Five of eight were hit, plus family members


GrubSprings t1_j7qwsmj wrote

Yup. Tons of the 'rona in Montpelier schools.


JaxBratt t1_j7qzt3o wrote

…and in southern Vermont and Boston

virus doing what a virus does. If this was a dress rehearsal I don’t want to see the real deal. Let’s hope the H1N1 jumping to mammals doesn’t go full steam because collectively we have our heads up our asses.

Edit. H5N1. bird not swine


8valvegrowl t1_j7rb3rp wrote

Anecdotally, yep. Certainly have seen an uptick here in Chittenden county at work/friends/family. Luckily it’s been pretty mild in terms of symptoms from what I hear.


Admirable-Reveal-412 t1_j7rjpmd wrote

I just got over it for the first time and my friend’s doctor in Burlington said they are seeing highest rates ever in the waste water monitoring in Burlington.


Trajikbpm t1_j7rkb3r wrote

Yup our house just got over it. Two weeks of crap and I'm still dealing with weird symptoms.

Doctors office says straight up 5 day CDC guidelines are garbage.

Seeing more masks and more plastic going up again.

My husband's job even put out a survey about if the plastic will mess with sales lol.


twdvermont t1_j7rthdf wrote

My whole family had it for the first time last month. I don’t know anyone else who had it at the same time though or where we got it from.


Silently-Observer t1_j7rxgjb wrote

Rutland is having an outbreak at the middle school 40 students and teachers have it. My sister has it now she was throwing up with a fever for two days and tested negative then on the the third day after the fever broke she tested positive.


random_vermonter t1_j7rz2hv wrote

Had Covid back in October and it was not fun. I've been masking up since and recently got a second booster and flu shot at same time. Not taking any more chances.


milukra t1_j7s13qt wrote

Chittenden county, I personally know of 7 cases right now - and I don't know many people.


DoWorryDarling t1_j7s5v7e wrote

Did your doc's office say the 5-day rule was garbage from an infection prevention standpoint or from a "people aren't recovering in 5 days" standpoint? I am getting over my second case of COVID and tested negative six days after symptom onset. Still followed the 5-day quarantine guideline and have been masking religiously around everyone who hasn't also had it in the past month/only eating or drinking when alone. The CDC is saying if you have two negative tests 48 hours apart you can stop masking before day 10, but I didn't bother repeat testing since I was going to be masking religiously either way.

Even though I'm not a danger to others, I am still operating at about 60-75%. It was like this the first time I got COVID, although that time it took until right around day 10 to test negative and I was bedridden for a solid week. Guess the previous infection and bivalent booster gave me a little edge.


Trajikbpm t1_j7s675l wrote

They meant it in a don't go near anyone and mask way. But that could very well just be in the medical setting.

This last time with covid it didn't feel like the other times at all and im still dealing with major digestive issues and crazy pain in my left side they can't explain.


DoWorryDarling t1_j7s7yxm wrote

Hunh, that's interesting - I work in healthcare and my institution has us return to patient-facing work regardless of positive or negative follow-up test results on Day 6. The caveat is no eating or drinking around anyone and remain masked at all times, which is harder than it might seem.


Trajikbpm t1_j7s806d wrote

I mean they bascially said the vaccines only work for a couple months and are really only good for short term in high risk or elderly.

Not to mention the FDA going after Moderna for withholding information that the boosters aren't even made for the new strains and basically was a waste.


random_vermonter t1_j7s8rwq wrote

I really don’t need/want to hear this stuff. I’m just glad to have gotten over covid. My doctor did not believe that I was immuno-compromised and I plan share my experience with him. It was shortness of breath, nausea, abdominal pain and I think diarrhea. I went back to masking and continue to mask in public spaces.


Trajikbpm t1_j7s998m wrote

I'm two weeks out and still dealing with severe left side pain with no explanation. Currently going thru tests. I'm also vaxed btw.

Its just infuriating how horrible this has been and still is being handled..

Im glad you're well now.


phred14 t1_j7saff7 wrote

There are two aspects to this - antibodies and white blood cells - T-cells and B-cells. Yes, the antibodies fade in a few months. The T and B cells don't. That's why they say that you still get protection from more severe disease.

We have a "perfect is the enemy of good" here. No, the vaccines aren't perfect. But they are pretty good, they do help, particularly so it's not so bad if you do get it. The find point is that just because they're not perfect doesn't mean they're completely useless, because they're not.

I'm over 65, I've gotten all of my shots on-schedule, and I still mask when going indoors into "public air" like supermarkets, and such.


phred14 t1_j7sakp7 wrote

Elsewhere someone was asking, "What happened to the big wave of Covid that was supposed to hit this winter?" I think the problem is that we've quit paying attention.


YourMomInVermont t1_j7sm30h wrote

I just got over having it, for the second time. When I called my employer (a local school), they said “it’s ramping up again!” 🙄


Master__Midnight t1_j7so7zf wrote

You're friend's doctor's info is a little out of date.

The January 17th data showed a big spike in waste water data

but by January 23rd it was back to..."normal" I guess.

Case numbers, hospitalizations and deaths are all significantly below what they were this time last year or the year before.


Wright606 t1_j7sozga wrote

I didn't know COVID had an antidote but I'll have to visit northern and central Vermont and acquire it.


WhatTheCluck802 t1_j7sqgc6 wrote

Anecdotally… unless you have somehow discovered an antidote to Covid in which case share your genius with the world please! 🦠


SnooKiwis6943 t1_j7sy6dq wrote

Cold air has a lower ability to maintain humidity (not measured as relatively humidity, but as absolute humidity). Virus particles can travel farther in cold dry air than they can in warmer wetter air likely leading to higher COVOD transmission.


ADinosaurNamedBex t1_j7t1ymm wrote

I work in Addison County. Definitely seeing an uptick in cases both in the office and in the clients I work with.


No-Ganache7168 t1_j7t6h82 wrote

My husband is a nurse. His facility has very few Covid cases but a huge number of flu and RSV cases. His facility required everyone to wear a surgical mask. I had Covid last summer. The first set of vaccines are no longer effective do you should have the latest booster along with the flu shot.


No-Ganache7168 t1_j7t6tm0 wrote

Or that most of us are vaxed or have naturally immunity so cases are usually mild. It’s just not newsworthy at this point. Soon we’ll get an annual vaccine and just accept it’d here to stay


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j7tl6sl wrote

Uh people like that are not why Covid it still around. COVID’s still around because it’s a virus and it’s gonna do what virus’s do. Current variants don’t really give a shit if you’re vaccinated or masked, so guess what, it’s people like you that are equally to blame for Covid.


Left-Link5070 t1_j7u0gvh wrote

Actual winter got a late start in VT. Wear a mask if you are at risk.


Original_Krom t1_j7u1lxf wrote

A cold?

In winter?

No way.

Time to stop the fear porn, Folks.


Climate_Face t1_j7u24d9 wrote

The schools I’ve been working with have been getting clapped with a sickness that has all the symptoms of covid, but people do not test positive. Perhaps covid isn’t running amok, just some nasty flu-variant


phred14 t1_j7ubacu wrote

Back in the fall they were predicting a trifecta - a combination of Covid, flu, and RSV. People have been saying for years that "Covid is just like the flu", which it isn't, but there are similarities in the symptoms. Maybe this time it's the flu instead of Covid. Which reminds me, my wife and I were visiting the grandkids and got sick after we got back. We tested negative Tuesday morning and should probably test again. I don't think it's anything significant, just part of the childhood germ factory cycle.


Climate_Face t1_j7ubv09 wrote

Childhood germ factory combined with years of mask use, sanitization and remote learning limiting overall exposure to germs playing a role, possibly? Not saying remote should not have happened, just that this shit is a possible consequence.

Yep, test again and get well!


beaveristired t1_j7uk50o wrote

That’s overstating the moderna situation. A small subset of info wasn’t included, but was posted online pre-print, published in a medical journal, and included in another FDA document, but not presented directly to the advisors. FDA advisors have said they wanted transparency, but the additional info wouldn’t have changed their vote.

CDC studies show real-world effectiveness against severe disease with latest variants:


beaveristired t1_j7ukkg2 wrote

Not a doctor, but did they check your spleen? Some viruses (mono, studies indicate Covid as well) can cause enlargement of spleen. I’d make sure they check pancreas and liver enzymes as well. Hope you feel better soon.