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Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7roi54 wrote

Lol. I have an advanced degree and a good job. The cost of housing in VT is completely divorced from wages in VT. We're trying to fix it. One of the fixes is making homes available for residents. Deal with it.


mattgm1995 t1_j7rot1k wrote

You think this is a uniquely Vermont problem? I live in Eastern MA and also can’t afford to live in a nice town. On a six figure salary. This is a New England problem. Vermont is in a better place than MA tho since they at least have land to build


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7rpddn wrote

Maybe sell your other fucking house? Jesus.


mattgm1995 t1_j7rpzs5 wrote

It’s our family home, not mine. Point being, it’s not a Vermont issue. Kicking everyone out isn’t going to help you