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Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7rhaxl wrote

It's going to be "stuff the poors (locals) in shitty condos in Williston and leave the pristine areas for the fresh arrivals from Jersey." No thanks. I personally am leaving as soon as I can because I have no interest in being one of the last people working here, trying to do 3 people's jobs while living in a ratty apartment.

Want to know why families are homeless? I'm a single guy with an advanced degree and a decent job. I'm stuck in a shit apartment because there's absolutely no where to move to. Instead of my shit apartment going to a young single mom or someone exiting homelessness, it's being occupied by me so that rich people can live on a few acres.

The future of VT is one of a bunch of old rich people unable to even buy groceries because there's no one here to sell them to them.