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Optimized_Orangutan t1_j6z0o57 wrote

Not for st. J. Not entirely rare to spend an entire month bouncing between -10 and -20 in the NEK. It's pretty standard weather. Just extra warm this year.


curiousguy292 t1_j6zj1sw wrote

Umm… the average low temp for St J. in January is 9 degrees. For the same month in BTV is 11.8

A month below -10 would be among the coldest months in recorded weather history.


Twombls t1_j7006wo wrote

Nah nah. You didn't know? St j is surrounded by a magnetic vortex that makes it about as cold as fairbanks Alaska. Just not the weather station. Thats placed outside of the vortex.


Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j731jot wrote

It's really incredible the amount of people this week who think they are absolutely sure they know precisely the high low and average temps in their city. Each one is absolutely wrong too.


Twombls t1_j6z9q0b wrote

Not with the winds we are getting Friday though. Its actually looking like its going to be pretty impressive for new england tomorrow. Mt Washington is looking set to take the crown from alaska for all time low wind chill in the USA