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DaddyBee42 t1_j5nbijb wrote

I did not realise that 'dumbing a statement down' meant turning it from something that is factual and correct into something that is speculative and bullshit. Why would you say the wrong things, when the right ones were available? How does that help dumb people?

>If bullet go through brainy and make brainy mush and fail out of head, you go to sleep and never wake up.

That's it, now we're getting there. Good job!


bak3donh1gh t1_j5nf7t1 wrote

Wtf are you even talking about, nothing I have said is speculative? My previous statement was of course meant as hyperbole, but was also phrased in a way to make it as accurate as possible. Instead you seem to be unable to realize that and are concentrating on unlikely edge cases. Not to mention TBI can literally change who you are.

If people are in freezing water for an extended period of time the start to go into hypothermia. Symptoms of hypothermia include:

Weak pulse

Clumsiness or lack of coordination

Drowsiness or very low energy

Confusion or memory loss

Loss of consciousness

Now does this sound like a state of being in which persons could climb the side of a boat en mass and cause it to tip? Adrenaline only lasts for so long.

At NO point did I ever say in 5 minutes any or all boats should have gone back. The ONLY 5 minutes I have referred to is your time in 'glacial water'. In controlled conditions, with no panic or fear. As well as being in good medical condition, no malnutrition and no history of nicotine use. I'm sure with a warm tent or whatever nearby.

But I'm do e arguing with some Jackass who dipped his toes in cold water and think he's an expert on cold water survival.


DaddyBee42 t1_j5p489q wrote

Yep, you sure are! I'm not that guy, I'm a completely different person! You absolute dipshit.


bak3donh1gh t1_j61u94y wrote

Sorry for not reading the username after responding to a single person for a long ass thread, you dipshit! It is totally obvious too when you're going back and forth responding on the website and an app, you fuckwit.