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Fake_William_Shatner t1_j5hbd3j wrote

I don't think that's as big an issue if you consider that the people in the boat can paddle faster than people in sub freezing water can swim. They could have picked up some stragglers without too much risk I imagine.


Cognac_and_swishers t1_j5hiwqg wrote

Wouldn't the real danger be a panicked person capsizing the boat as they attempt climb over the side? I assume that's what is meant by "swarming the boat."


Old_timey_brain t1_j5hci60 wrote

> They could have picked up some stragglers without too much risk I imagine.

I suspect you are right in they could have moved back in closer and grabbed a couple, or few more, but then been so much closer and connected to the ones they have to turn away.

I think somewhere in the mix was the need of the collective to get far away from the horror of backsliding out of relative safety.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j5hgage wrote

>I think somewhere in the mix was the need of the collective to get far away from the horror of backsliding out of relative safety.

You could just say they were scared and wanted to survive. I know it sounds a lot like running away to save themselves. Would we be more noble in their situation?


Rawrby t1_j5hlopz wrote

The way I see it, there’s (on average) more than 10 people a boat. Hysterics, differences in experience, and generalized fear, is going to make people rationalize that we DID save people. And I agree, if we move closer to save people, we spend more time rowing AWAY from the people we can’t save. I, personally, would rather move out with my group, than tell someone 10 yards away that we have no more space, and leave them as they scream for help.


Gorf_the_Magnificent t1_j5i2cx7 wrote

Do you really see a boat full of people reaching a clear and immediate consensus on when they’ve picked up enough stragglers and should start rowing away from the rest?


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j5i9ppd wrote

They see 30 people swimming like mad towards them, I think the consensus would be amazingly quick.

Like I said, the people aren't going to be putting up a fight in about ten minutes.