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Suspicious-Post-5866 t1_j5ighxs wrote

Legend has it that Gates bought MS DOS from a local Seattle company right before IBM visited to see what they had and license it. The rest is history


Rexel450 t1_j5kz3r8 wrote

> Legend has it that Gates bought MS DOS from a local Seattle company

Gary Kildall has entered the chat


j-random t1_j5m4aqu wrote

Gary Kildall was too busy flying his new plane to take a meeting with IBM, that's why we wound up with some amateur's quick-n-dirty DOS.


Rexel450 t1_j5osruk wrote

I did read that Gates tried to stiff him by saying that IBM was a single sale and that's all he should be paid for.


madman1969 t1_j5m8av2 wrote

Yep, he paid $50K for the rights to QDOS, which became MS-DOS.

Fun fact is QDOS was short for 'Quick & Dirty Operating System' :/