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Permanenceisall t1_j4rzpkq wrote

He’s the voice you hear when you’re finally back in Coney Island and the punks chase you in their car. You mainly hear him saying “I hope you fall!”

Also El-P voices Edge, the leader of the Saracens.


xSympl t1_j4sojgv wrote

Man if only El-P wasn't such a POS who somehow reinvented himself and got lucky the mainstream forgot all the shit he did lmao

RTJ still bumps but like...


Permanenceisall t1_j4soq15 wrote

What did he do?


xSympl t1_j4sqkys wrote

Stole a bunch of money from artists signed to his label and then closed the label without telling them ahead of time bc drugs, among other things.

There's a reason aes, cage, hell most the weathermen, etc,. don't work with him and it's not his choice unlike what he tries to imply