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XPlutonium t1_j126kr1 wrote

Yes and we english don’t get why you keep adding redundant words to other words

Side walk - where is else? Front walk? Eye glasses - helped me differentiate my liver glasses Waste paper basket - wow. Gas - ITS A FUCKING LIQUID

Then we get to your phrases. Exact same, unexpected surprise, advance warning???, end result. Oh and your love for split infinitives.

I personally think it should make more sense to not get into the uses of the Prodigal Tongue. Languages have differences deal with it.


plumquat t1_j12z8m9 wrote

Oh yeah Hhhherb, half your shit is just teasing the French.


ElfMage83 t1_j13cg0u wrote


“Gasoline” from “Cazeline", a British word. Much like “soccer”.

>Then we get to your phrases. Exact same, unexpected surprise, advance warning???, end result.

Blame the Department of Redundancy Department, unless you don't understand the reference.

>Oh and your love for split infinitives.

I make a point not to do that. It must have galled Sir Patrick Stewart to say “to boldly go”, but I don't know if you'd know that reference.

>Languages have differences deal with it.

And yet you typed out that whole above comment trying to convince me I'm wrong when I'm not.
