TIL the FDA’s Food Defect Action Levels Handbook details the acceptable levels of contaminants of food from sources such as maggots, thrips, insect fragments, “foreign matter”, mold, rodent hairs, and insect and mammalian feces.
foodsafetytrainingcertification.comSubmitted by anogre8me t3_zvpi8q in todayilearned
Dfrickster87 t1_j1qen3k wrote
This is my job. 3 rodent hairs per 100g of tomato paste is allowed. 4 is a fail. Insect fragments, there is no limit. 1 rodent hair with skin still attached to it is automatic fail.
In 6 years I haven't seen any skin still attached to a hair. 2017 was the worst year I've seen, alot of samples with 4 hairs or more. This year wasn't too bad.
But also, its all really random. You can't use the product after testing it so only a portion is tested representing a huge sample size. If a "fail" sample was to be retested, it would very likely have nothing in it. If a passing sample was retested, it wouldn't be surprising at all to come up as a fail.