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al666in OP t1_izfhfe4 wrote

Ugh, here's TS Eliot showing up to "WELL ACTUALLY" my post.

You know what I think about the Wasteland? Waste of Time. You attributed to Pamela Colman Smith's modern Tarot designs to the classical deck. Sloppy!

TS Eliot loves to pretend he's British, but he's from Missouri, just for the record. He's a bad poet and a poser.


Holyvigil t1_izfoaou wrote

Man lay off the poet. Go take a trip down a road less traveled. Find out why I wanted you to go down it.


al666in OP t1_izfpa6z wrote

Robert Frost also sucks. I had to memorize "Two Roads" in third grade. I don't forgive him.


Dry_Needleworker7504 t1_izg6cxv wrote

You need to go for a walk dude.


al666in OP t1_izhexzw wrote

Nah, that was the highlight of the post! I couldn't find the original Vonnegut quote about Eliot, but the Missouri line was stolen from him.

I love talking shit on Eliot, worth every downvote.


van_go_fuck_yourself t1_izfol6c wrote

Nice alt account bro.


al666in OP t1_izfp01t wrote

Are you suggesting that I'm also /u/TS__Eliot? Because I would never shit-post under that name. The User did try to clap-back with a Greek and Latin insult, but then deleted their comment before I had a chance to make fun of them for being antisemitic, and also for writing a terrible opinion piece on William Blake.

God I hate TS Eliot so much
