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Corsodylfresh t1_j28gvf3 wrote

I was there, biggest crowd I've seen at that stage which quickly emptied


Fumb-MotherDucker t1_j28haj5 wrote

at the same festival (the Leeds version) the rumours also went around that foos were doing a secret gig too. Slipknot pulled out last minute because Joey broke his leg and the rumour was Grohl was gonna fill in for him.

Turns out tenacious D came out instead.

Good weekend that.


arc4angel100 t1_j297lct wrote

Part of this is because they have a reputation of playing the festivals frequently. One year at Reading there was a gap in the schedule and the rumour was that Dave Grohl was going to play so we hung around in the tent. He actually showed up as part of Them Crooked Vultures and did a set of their new album. That was a great gig.


AWormDude t1_j29k9og wrote

I do believe he played the drums in the film and did his own guitar pieces too. Though I admit I can't be certain of that and can't he bothered to find references that support or deny it.


thatguyad t1_j29n41x wrote

This is really dumb. All people had to do was google the damn band to see that they are real.


electricmaster23 OP t1_j29ommd wrote

It's hard to say if they even had a web presence at all. You have to understand that these guys were underground, so it's easy to think they didn't even have as much as a myspace page. Wayback sadly doesn't do google searches for the time (obviously).


Miserable_Bugger t1_j29wsw9 wrote

I was at Reading once, quite a few years ago, to mainly see Metallica.

There was this really shit, skater rock type band on in the afternoon (Good Charlotte?) and I wasn’t interested in them in the slightest, so went to get something to eat.

Whilst this band were playing (bearing in mind the majority of people there were for Metallica at that time of day) everyone that wasn’t 12, started throwing stuff at them.

The lead singer got in a mood and taunted everyone, saying something like “We’ve come all the way from America to blow you guys away. Is this how little respect you have? If you want to throw stuff at us, really go for it then.”

Cue an absolute torrent of every projectile imaginable. I think they fucked off early after that.


Fumb-MotherDucker t1_j29x6l8 wrote

Yeah but they were supposed to be on after slipknot. The massive crowd half expecting to get a Grohl/Slipknot mashup were treated to TD. Or should I say TD were treated to a much larger than expected crowd which they mentioned several times (also they were the last slot before Metallica and Jack Black mentioned several times that was a dream fantasy bucket list achievement for him to open for Metallica and he got a bit emotional)


PPLifter t1_j2a3172 wrote

Yeah it's bullshit when this happens just because people don't like the band. There is for sure people in that crowd who enjoy Good Charlotte and have had their entire experience ruined because people can't dislike something and not act on it.

Reading festival as well. Wait for a couple hours before Blink come on so I get a good place at the front. This other group of five guys had the same idea but heavily drunk. Didn't want to lose their space so kept pissing where they stood. Paramore come on (I think) and they start throwing non stop shit at them, whatever they could find. None of it really affecting the stage. Security comes and gets them all out. One of the guys straight up crying because he was going to miss blink.


throwofftom t1_j2adno5 wrote

Missing a few vital details here.

The FFers did have a MySpace page, it had no music on it and the only display photo was a tiny photo of Dave Grohl. They also had a quote of some Foos lyrics on there.

They massively lent into the rumour and used it in their marketing after the festival.


electricmaster23 OP t1_j2cppmb wrote

Now that you mention it, I remember reading about the photo of Dave. They put that up only after they caught wind of the rumors. They later claimed it was a joke. I'm not sure how I could forget that, since I did actually read the article and post it up. I'll just chalk it up to tiredness.