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Landlubber77 t1_j0xkzsy wrote

I remember that group, Dr. Dre-idel did their beats didn't he?


Jforjustice t1_j0zegsi wrote

The beatings* you mean. He was the muscle of the group.


Desertedfromabove t1_j0yic9m wrote

“Those were some tough jews” - Dr. Elliot Kupferberg


locustt t1_j0yl6pf wrote

It was their family counselor, not Melfi's individual counselor(Elliot). Ballpoint sucking, smug bastard that he is.


eking85 t1_j0z6v9a wrote

You'll be sleeping with the gefilte fishes


EVENTHORIZON-XI t1_j0xm5rs wrote

And if you didn’t know, Cosa Nostra was a name for the Sicilian mafia!


therealbeth OP t1_j0znqx1 wrote

That's the point, "Kosher Nostra" is a play on "Cosa Nostra"


Rossum81 t1_j0z6ju7 wrote

Coined by Hoover who didn’t want to own up to ignoring the Mafia for years


FriendlyRetiree t1_j0xmxt8 wrote

In Detroit they were the purple gang. And no one fu led with them. Even Capone treated them with deference


mryazzy t1_j0yoi8t wrote

Alfie Solomon


Jimmymick84 t1_j0yzqcq wrote

The Welsh Mafia nicknamed the Taffia. Does sound like an expensive dress material mind....


The_Spyre t1_j0y7lok wrote

I still think they were responsible for the hit on Bugsy Siegel.


76vibrochamp t1_j0yu1c8 wrote

The difference between the Italian Mafia and the Jewish Mafia is that the Italian Mafia was actually a thing.

Guys like Dutch Schulz and Meyer Lansky weren't part of some overriding Jewish honor culture or crime syndicate; they were independent operators who worked with, and occasionally took orders from, the Italians.


therealbeth OP t1_j0zpbpl wrote

Yes, Jewish American gangsters worked with and for the Italian Mafia. Both groups were treated as "others" and they banded together. The nickname "Kosher Nostra" was given to the Jews who worked with the Italians because it's a funny play on "Cosa Nostra."


ElChaz t1_j1152iq wrote

Criminals or not, they're still gonna write the best jokes!


i81u812 t1_j0zrddl wrote

There are and were plenty of organized crime groups in the faith, mostly concerned with beating up husbands to force divorces.

So, it is a thing but the goyam dont know shit lol


schleppylundo t1_j11ofis wrote

Even if your only familiarity with organized crime is movies, Lansky standin Hyman Roth’s role in Godfather II is clearly as a key part of the Italian mafia system, not an outsider making deals with them.

I wonder if this is at all because of the (comparative to the rest of Europe) harmonious coexistence of Jews in Italy between the Resorgimento and the rise of Fascism, the period in which most of the New York Mafia families emigrated and established themselves, and during which many Jews were held up as martyrs and patriots of the Unification struggle.


76vibrochamp t1_j11ptzk wrote

I think it's just the fact that both groups immigrated to the US and were thrust into the ghettos at the same time (displacing the Irish in the same way they displaced Daniel Day-Lewis). Both groups gentrified out as well in time, but the nature of "amici nostra" meant that the Italians, by initiating their younger family members and neighborhood wannabes, were able to maintain an effective hegemony over organized crime in some cities.

Lansky himself is a key example; even though he was certainly influential among earlier Mafia leaders, he never exercised any real power. He didn't collect tribute from the Italians, he didn't conduct sit-downs, and he certainly didn't order hits. He was strictly a "partner" to Joey Adonis and later Jimmy Alo. Granted, they were very easy-going partnerships, as he made both men extremely rich.


[deleted] t1_j0xy6xt wrote

no way. well if you can't laugh at that idk what you can then.


Psychological-Rub-72 t1_j0zkpxf wrote

Movie The Kvater (Yiddish for godfather).

The end of the movie, the baptism of blood, would be better. Instead of seeing the baby infront of the priest and being blessed with holy water, we would see a mohel approaching the baby with a knife.


scsnse t1_j10misb wrote

Or alternatively, it would be a rabbi overseeing a kosher slaughter of a lamb, as the neck is cut to drain the blood, the knives and shots start ringing out in the montage.


bigbangbilly t1_j0yq7np wrote

Also the title of the trope page for them on


Vegan_Harvest t1_j0xut9u wrote

Victim: *Screams in pain* *chuckles*

Jewish mobster: Why's he still laughing?


2012Aceman t1_j0yxn9o wrote

"Who are They though?"


djbeaker t1_j0zbtx1 wrote

So… the original cast of the god father?


i81u812 t1_j0zr2aq wrote

Oooooooh ffs i laughed.


puremovic t1_j11r8r1 wrote

This is why I’m on Reddit.


CorrosiveBackspin t1_j0znrh4 wrote

I thought they were called 'a coincidence'





Catdaddy74 t1_j0ywrjj wrote

This makes more sense than Italians being in the mafia.
