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chrisphoenix08 t1_j1z47i1 wrote

>Social Support

This. Men most likely won't seek emotional comfort on what they're going through, which may lead to depression, mental illness to suicide.

It's hard to show emotion if you're a man, when people see it as weakness, unmanliness (gay, LOL), or just completely disregard it.

Sometimes I envy women, wherein they can confide with their friends with these kinds of situations.


Some_Gun_Nut t1_j1zau78 wrote

I can confide in friends all I want, that doesn't change the disposability or isolation aspect in my experience.


ATownStomp t1_j1zwx2f wrote

Same. Talking about issues doesn’t change much. It’s nice to have some solidarity but, depending on what the problem is, it might not really matter.


chrisphoenix08 t1_j21agxf wrote

Well, really good for you. I do confide with my cousins when we're drinking, and it's certainly liberating even just for a bit, unlike before wherein I just bottled it up, and if it was too much, I thought of suicidal thoughts or kept beating myself up.... Or masturbation, hahahahaha, kidding...

I don't have money for psychiatric help, living in a 3rd World Country; and I know friends/family/romantic relations are not a substitute for this, but to vent out your frustrations and other negative thoughts to someone, at least for me, lessens that emotional baggage.


Poggse t1_j1za19d wrote

I envy women every day of my life. I know so many that never had to work. Just get married and life is on autopilot


JarifSA t1_j1zv16p wrote

Surprised this got downvoted. In many cultures it's common to be an educated women yet get married and take like 3-4 years off work even though they have strong degrees. I definitely don't envy being a women like you said though. I'd rather not have to walk around scared of the other gender.


Poggse t1_j1zv99z wrote

As a white man, I'm scared to walk around the same places women are scared to walk around.


JarifSA t1_j1zwaf2 wrote

Yes but there are definitely places a man can feel safe that a women can't. Such as bars literally in public. Or in a crowded train.


girraween t1_j225h9f wrote

> Yes but there are definitely places a man can feel safe that a women can’t. Such as bars literally in public. Or in a crowded train.

Really? Ever thought to ask what a man feels like in such places?

I don’t feel safe in those places. As a guy, I’m more likely to get attacked in those places.


tim-fawks t1_j208eif wrote

Not really men are much more likely to be murdered than woman most men just aren’t thinking about it all the time.


marmorset t1_j20j1ed wrote

Men are more likely to be murdered because men are more likely to be in confrontations and men are more likely to engage in crime.


tim-fawks t1_j20km07 wrote

Damn bro dude I replied to said men are safe I said they are not and here you are moving goal post just making men in general the bad guy. How about learning to read before you talk.


luckleberries t1_j20p14k wrote

They were just explaining why men are more likely to get murdered.. they're not moving the goal posts. They're agreeing with you. How about learning to read before you talk.


tim-fawks t1_j20p8z6 wrote

Alright let’s take that same energy and apply it to black people we shouldn’t care that black people are killed because black people cause the most crime … see how fucking dumb your arguments are?


luckleberries t1_j20pp03 wrote

No idea what you're talking about... not even sure why you're so upset.


tim-fawks t1_j20pywi wrote

They are dismissing men being murdered because they are murdered by other men and you are backing them up. If you don’t know what’s going on then just stay out of it


luckleberries t1_j20q43b wrote

They weren't dismissing it, they were just explaining why men are more likely to get murdered. You're the one throwing on the assumption that we don't care that men are getting murdered.


Poggse t1_j1zxipg wrote

Sure but not even close to the majority. An average white woman in the US that gets married lives a much easier life than average anyone else in the world.


gameshowmatt t1_j2021j8 wrote

I used to follow similar thought processes and one detail that broke the outlook is a reminder that you are describing a specific minority of the gender. Yes, beautiful people of all genders have it easier and sure, I would agree that beautiful women have a whole different set of rules as long as they maintain that beauty.

But thought exercise: when you say these sweeping generalizations try to imagine it applying to an unattractive woman and you know the logic breaks down.

So we need to be sure to not judge based on the most successful unit in a sample size - with both genders. All women are manipulative house pets with an easy life no more than all men are predatory rape-machines just waiting to be triggered by exposed skin. These are outliers. Not defaults.


Poggse t1_j202arb wrote

Except plenty of ugly or average looking women marry and have more comfortable lives because of their marriage.


gameshowmatt t1_j2034qz wrote

I'm afraid I don't agree that this is limited to a gender.

If all someone wants is to get married and they are willing to ignore everything else it's not hard to find. Man, woman, or anything in between.

It just won't look like the pornos.


Poggse t1_j203qh3 wrote

I'm sure some men lead more comfortable lives because they got married, but I'm sure they're a very small minority of all married men. Most married men have to work longer hours, support wife and kids, split all chores, etc. That's just the reality of the situation whether people find it off-putting or not.


chemguy216 t1_j1zz5x3 wrote

I say this with multiple underlying caveats, but there are social aspects of being gay that give me personal freedoms many straight men haven’t embraced. For the ones who associate certain healthy bonding and emotional development behaviors with being gay and effeminate, they have to deal with that baggage that I personally am not weighed down by.

They want to think of me as gay for knowing and continually learning how to take care of my mental health and foster meaningful, healthy relationships in ways that would likely benefit them? Well, I am gay, and I’m doing pretty well with my life both superficially and substantively.


girraween t1_j225aci wrote

You can talk all you want but it’s not going to help if society doesn’t care for you.

And why would it want to empathise with a group that’s labelled oppressive and privileged.