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cutelyaware t1_j1yt36y wrote

Part of the reason is certainly the spare X chromosome, but I suspect a big factor is the social pressure for women to appear attractive. Attractiveness usually signals health, so a lot of the things we do to appear attractive have a side-effect of also making us healthier.

TL;DR Men could live longer too if they'd take better care of their health


how-puhqueliar t1_j1yuw4x wrote

it's not just health, it's safety. men die young from things like car accidents and stuff more frequently, too.


cutelyaware t1_j217k2g wrote

It's certainly not just one thing, which is why I mentioned the missing X chromosome.


Kiandough t1_j1yxrt7 wrote

Its partly related to health, but not the way you think. Men smoke, drink and overeat more on average.

But there are many other factors such as the dangerous jobs, xy vs xx chromosome, men dying from suicides way more, etc ... That needs to be taken into account.


cutelyaware t1_j217dui wrote

Certainly. I'm just pointing out a big factor that is usually overlooked. The downvotes show you why.