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TexasJustis OP t1_j1kuu0i wrote

Squirrels and raccoons obviously can too. See interesting discussions in this r/awwducation thread


rough-n-ready t1_j1lam7j wrote

Op’s title is completely wrong. Lots of animals can climb down a tree head first. I can’t think of many insects or spiders or lizards that can’t.


TexasJustis OP t1_j1m4ifv wrote

Right. Now since you mentioned it, probably the article should change it to “mammals”.


David-Puddy t1_j1moyvg wrote

Squirrels, racoons, one of the big cats (I forget which once, but there's one that can!), Monkeys, etc

The title is basically bunk lol


RRettig t1_j1lqmbw wrote

I have a huge redwood in my yard and the squirrels chase each other around in circles horizontal to the ground


Festival_Vestibule t1_j1lmycb wrote

They said they've seen a woodchuck come down a tree head first? Idk if I'm buying that. I think they saw a possum. Pretty much any animal that climbs is going to be able to come down head first. Raccoons obviously but they aren't doing any zigging and zagging and the tree has to be pretty rough. Squirrles are just no fucks given, literally balls to the wall. You even seen one of those little guys run headfirst down a brick wall at full speed? There's not another mammal in North America that can do that. Can't be many in the world.


TexasJustis OP t1_j1m4bd5 wrote

I’ve never seen a woodchuck and didn’t know those chubby things could climb a tree.


konosyn t1_j1mujev wrote

Probably plenty of tree-climbing mustelids, also definitely coatis, etc