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-GuyDudeman- t1_iwtugs5 wrote

> Batman settled in Van Diemen's Land (modern-day Tasmania) in the 1820s, where he rose to prominence for hunting bushrangers (aborigines) and as a leader of massacres of Aboriginal people in the Black War. During this time he was notorious for committing multiple mass killings of Aboriginal people.

He was a monster.


Capt_Billy t1_iwurfeu wrote

He definitely killed the Indigenous, but why are they saying that bushrangers = Indigenous? Bushrangers were highwaymen by another name


wonko_abnormal t1_iwuzc9l wrote

probably because back in those days (although not completely different today) you could get a rewards for stopping a bushranger which meant killing them and if ALL of the bushrangers you ended up stopping in cold blood happened to be indigenous well then who is really going to argue or ask for proof ? ....just to add to the horror of our own nation , we ended up completely wiping out indigenous people from tasmania ALL OF THEM , fuck racism , fuck people


DarthDannyBoy t1_iwv4igd wrote

No they all were not wiped out. Seriously it's in the first paragraph of the Wikipedia page on them how people erroneously believe that. The Australian government recognize they still exist. They still exist their numbers are very very low. That doesn't take away from the atrocities committed against them. In fact it in a way makes it worse because there are still people living today feeling the repercussions of those actions and to make it worse people don't even think they exist anymore. Imagine being a part of an abused and marginalized group and then being told you don't exist anymore.


wonko_abnormal t1_iwv69kh wrote

i dont base my facts on wikipedia okay my apologies although its semantics ...i should have said mainland tasmania , wasnt trying to sensationalise and i know there are still aboriginals in tasmania but they were all from smaller islands , they were effectively wiped out on the mainland and the remaining survivors were forcibly moved to flinders island , where they all died all the mainland indigenous were slaughtered or moved ...genocide is still genocide


DarthDannyBoy t1_iwzohxy wrote

Yeah use Wikipedia as a secondary source that's it's whole purpose that's the purpose of an encyclopedia to begin with? Your own fucking government acknowledges they still exist and were not eradicated. Or do you think they are just making shit up. Universities acknowledge them still existing and try to help preserve their culture. Guess that's a made up. Let's just ignore the communities and councils made up off surviving people. Guess they are full of shit too.

I guess it's all just some big old conspiracy isn't it?

Also they are from mainland Tasmania. people from the mainland survived by fleeing and hiding. The aren't people just from the smaller outlying islands they are the aboriginal people from mainland Tasmania. They still exists.

Also I never said it wasn't a genocide. In fact I said it was genocide so I don't get why you felt the need to say that. I said how claiming they are are dead makes it far worse be you are just pretending the victims don't exist anymore. The people still suffering the repercussions of those actions are being ignored and told they aren't real because people like you said they are extinct. So not just ignoring the plight of these people but you are also claiming they are liars because how could both statements be true? That they were all wiped out but here some still stand.

Willfully ignorant people like you are a Cancer to society.


[deleted] t1_iwzutso wrote

so im a "pussy" for thinking having to interact with you is painful (which it is just so we are clear ...this is all over NOTHING apart from you wanting to be RIGHT) and i say it because its how i feel and accurate ....feel free to keep coming with with however many other accounts you have i can block all day and hopefully this will allow you to get some anger out on me and be less of a problem for those who have to deal with you in real life old are you ? or how thin is your skin ? because in all seriousness who goes around calling someone a pussy just because i dont want to deal with your negative pointless ramblings ? now fuck off , please


wonko_abnormal t1_iwzp06l wrote

find another fight , this is one you created over nothing ...take care of your mental health but leave mine alone and this is now a painful human interaction so please go away


[deleted] t1_iwzs7un wrote

no its not over nothing you are claiming a people don't exist. Also I see you blocked me so I couldn't reply because you can't support you bullshit racist claims. also this is a "painful human interaction" seriously how much of a pussy are you that being called out on your ignorant racist shit is a "painful human interaction" seriously who the fuck says that kind of stupid shit.


Bobyyyyyyyghyh t1_ix0u5cj wrote

"I don't base my facts on Wikipedia because I'd rather make them up"


Comnena t1_iwuedi4 wrote

Yeah he was a massive piece of shit.


acebush1 t1_iwv6urh wrote

Came here to find out how much of a monster he was


ChriddyBo t1_iwxlhd4 wrote

Sounds like the white dude villain in the epic film ‘Australia’


BarryKobama t1_iwtr92h wrote

But we pronounce it like BATMN… not Bat-Man.


RealJonathanBronco t1_iwujj8s wrote

Yeah that's how the superhero is pronounced too. How have you been saying it? Batman, Superman, Spiderman - those are just their last names.


ijmacd t1_iwvaepi wrote

Just like Bateman but with a short 'a' in the first syllable too.


healsey t1_iwwqqq8 wrote

I remember Arj Barker opened a set with a bit about Batman Ave. Got very riled up that locals were ruining his fun correcting his mispronunciation. “Fuck you! It’s Bat Man!” Classic.


EvilioMTE t1_iwwytye wrote

Did he follow it up with several jokes about how crazy it is to be stoned?


[deleted] t1_iwts5ca wrote



GirthIgnorer t1_iwwgiyb wrote

It’s one of the city names for Alexander in civ, lost my shit when I’m throwing cities down named like Alexander by the Laches, Alexandria, then outta no where, Batman


scot816 t1_iwtrmin wrote

Well that sucks.. he founded the city and only got a damn street named after him. So who was Melbourne?


PidgeottosCrew t1_iwtuec1 wrote

The british pm at the time. A lot of Australia's earliest shit was named after rulers and aristocracy


scot816 t1_iwtvenu wrote

That makes sense, still sucks though


dutchbucket t1_iwyhr1g wrote

The cunt never even came to the country, let alone the city named after him. Pretty rude if you ask me


A1_B t1_iwuanra wrote

well, he also hunted a fairly large amount of indigenous tasmanians


Zran t1_iwupcz1 wrote

British nobility of course. Same with all of the capitals and more.


barrathefknworld t1_iwxfdj4 wrote

John Pascoe Fawkner, another early Melbourne settler, got two whole suburbs named after him.

Melbourne was named after William Lamb (2nd Viscount Melbourne), UK Prime Minister at the time.


mlusas t1_iwtx9xc wrote

The street was named for his family after his parents were killed in an adjacent alley from an armed robbery. Sadly, young John witnessed the whole ordeal. 😢


throwaway_4733 t1_iwuhdio wrote

I'm sure he got all the therapy he needed for it since he was a rich guy. Coincidentally enough like a decade or so later someone showed up in a weird suit fighting crime. Totally not related though.


IBeTrippin t1_iwut1tk wrote

Before fleeing, the assailant reportedly asked young John, "Have You Ever Danced With the Devil in the Pale Moonlight?"


Jam_Ba-La-Ya t1_iwu1r7k wrote

There's an election district called Batman.


Ediwir t1_iwuagp7 wrote

Remember David Feeney, elected representative for Batman, shadow minister for Justice and shadow assistant minister for Defense?

It’s been a while but it’s always a great title.


barrathefknworld t1_iwxfklf wrote

It was renamed the Division of Cooper, due to atrocities committed by Batman against Aboriginals.


starannisa t1_iwubn9y wrote

Fuckin savage wiped out entire tribes.glad we don’t have to bear his name


sloppyredditor t1_iwtswte wrote

I want to believe this but my mind keeps saying “nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah…”


Taleya t1_iwurlgg wrote

Yeah nah yeah nah yeah nah yeah nah


TassieTiger t1_iww0jbm wrote

We have a suspension bridge named after him here in Tasmania.

He was a monster by all accounts, wouldn't be too surprising if they change the name at some point.


Naige2020 t1_iwtrfuo wrote

Thankfully Syphilis sorted him out.


ApplePie4all t1_iwtsp4y wrote

I knew bats could transmit rabies to humans. I didn't know about syphilis.



DryCoughski t1_iwu2yu9 wrote

I live in Melbourne. Wish they'd kept the name. I imagine there'd be a lot less crime if so!


Splinterfight t1_iwuq75y wrote

He’s also got a hill named after him. Kinda glad they didn’t name it after a guy with “Participation in massacres of Aboriginal people and the Black War” as section of his Wikipedia article


Useful_Sundae t1_iwurdu3 wrote

I live in Melbourne, Florida. Which is named after the city that he founded that isn't named after him.


gregbard t1_iwxu3i3 wrote

Melbourne Florida was founded by Cornthwaite Hector. So there's a name for you.


internalized_boner t1_iwuz4lu wrote

First day of school for this guy and the teacher is asking everyones name, he says "I'm Batman" and ain't a damn thing teach can do about it.


Orinslayer t1_iwu853k wrote

Isn't a batman a kind of coach driver?


The_Truthkeeper t1_iwtryw2 wrote

I hear he puts the Bat in Batmania, down in Batmania.


martusfine t1_iwtuui0 wrote

TIL I live longer than Batman.


Darqologist t1_iwtvod4 wrote

John Batman is a superhero. His alter ego is Broots Waymb. He wears a bat costume with a yellow tie and a yellow belt tricks. He can be called by putting light at a cloud.


TechNickL t1_iwv1pn6 wrote

If you're tired of crime boys putting the mayor in a clock call me, John Batman, I don't have a phone so put a light in a cloud.


Darqologist t1_iwv3708 wrote

On the wings of a Batman under the dark night's sky, there's a bad boy doing a big crime to a regular guy. But if you wanna stop a crime time and you don't know how. You can send us a lot of your money and you can put a light in a cloud.


-maffu- t1_iwubebb wrote

Paul Newman was older than I thought.


garden1932 t1_iwul03e wrote

Actual Batman origin story?


killinghorizon t1_iwupzjm wrote

I saw KV's question on YouTube too...


ghrarhg t1_iwuxa84 wrote

This dude had to be a time traveler.


Baggytrousers27 t1_iwv0i9f wrote

Says batman but pronounced as Batm'n, as in guy who swings a bat.


ghrarhg t1_iwv37ur wrote

Exactly how a time traveler would explain it...


theanghv t1_iwuxwb4 wrote

There's a Batman's Hill station on Collins Street too, in Docklands Melbourne.


Damerstam t1_iwv077n wrote

Nananananananana Batman!


Dirty_Dragons t1_iwv0e8h wrote

TIL there was a guy named John Batman.

That's like if Batman got a day job but still wore the costume.


Dyslexic_Dog25 t1_iwv2op6 wrote

"my name isnt slick. its Batman! JOHN FUCKING BATMAN!"


hunertproof t1_iwv6n0d wrote

There's a street in Portland, Oregon called Oatman. Some years ago, someone went the length of road adding Bs over the Os on every street sign.


barrathefknworld t1_iwxfrin wrote

There’s a town near me called Avoca. Every road sign on the way there has “do” added after Avoca.


ChevExpressMan t1_iwv9h5p wrote

And USA people come, see that and go da-da-da-da-da-da "Bat man!" Then the aussies say "wtf you drunk?"


APeek0fTheTism t1_iwvf4bf wrote

Is he burried in Parramatta? If so I got to visit his grave when I was visiting.


WattaTravisT t1_iwvwdzn wrote

So ipso facto Melbourne = Vengence!


Cross_22 t1_iwvxr1s wrote

They even have a theme song...


Podunk212 t1_iwx49yi wrote

Pronounced the way Phoebe Buffay pronounces Spiderman.


darrellbear t1_iwxiq97 wrote

A batman was an English officer's personal servant back in the day.


robuttocks t1_ix0jbqb wrote

There's also a city in Turkey with that name. Maybe he was Turkish?


cabbagehandLuke t1_iwuy7ph wrote

Fun fact, the gravelly "I'm Batman" phrase came from him as that's how he used to introduce himself to everyone. He was truly ahead of his time. The hero we needed, not the hero we deserved.
