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Landlubber77 t1_iy8sqb7 wrote

> One of the symptoms caused by envenomation from this particular species of jellyfish, however, is the subject denying that they are suffering from any symptoms, and therefore it was difficult to determine if they were in fact suffering from the syndrome he sought out to prove would be caused by the sting.

Lol, one of the symptoms is denying that they're suffering from any symptoms? This seems dubious.


InappropriateTA t1_iy8tzc1 wrote

Shit, I am not suffering any jellyfish sting symptoms. I must have Irukandji syndrome!


TillyTheToucan t1_iy92n41 wrote

Gaslighting as a symptom is savage


JohnBeamon t1_iy9e9u2 wrote

Denial of Irukandji Syndrome symptoms has been successfully treated with Ivermectin in several studies.


leadchipmunk t1_iy8v8xy wrote

Where is that quote from? I don't see it in OP's link.


phosphenes t1_iyaoy9t wrote

No recent revisions to that wiki article, no Google hits for that line, nothing even similar on other pages about irukandji syndrome. They made it up as a (moderately funny) joke, or it's a reference I don't get.


lordyeti t1_iy8t0ba wrote

That's exactly what irukandji wants you to think!