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TheRealOneTwo t1_iye6230 wrote

TIL? That just happened like last year...2004. Oh damn


JanJaapen t1_iye6ehp wrote

Like, how is this almost 20 years ago..


airbus29 t1_iye947v wrote

People born in 04 are in college now


AlaWyrm t1_iyem6h3 wrote

At first I thought, wtf, no way. Then I remembered my daughter was born in '04. She is in her 2nd year of college.


InvaderZimSokali t1_iyeg8t8 wrote

I work with an attorney (a young attorney) who had never heard of it. I was telling her about a guy I knew who survived it and she didn't know what I meant by "Boxing Day Tsunami" or "Indian Ocean Tsunami". So then she googled it and said "Thanks for ruining my day, Invader."


SpectralOperator t1_iyfc08x wrote

I vividly remember watching on TV. My grandmother lived near the beach, her house got flooded by this. Luckily, she was visiting us at the time.